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Angra Empty
PostSubject: Angra   Angra Icon_minitimeThu Sep 19, 2024 4:42 pm

1997 - All Acoustic (Live)

Angra Cover

01. Angels Cry 08:58
02. Time 06:17
03. Make Believe 05:15
04. Carry On 05:38
05. Lullaby for Lucifer 04:40
06. Reaching Horizons 04:04
07. Holy Land 05:49
08. Jam 03:33
09. Wuthering Heights 03:47
10. Chega de Saudade 02:35
11. Never Understand 06:36
12. Wasted Years (Iron Maiden cover) 05:35


1997 - Holy Live (EP Live)

Angra Angra-holy-live(live)-20120225205408

01. Crossing 02:24 (instrumental)
02. Nothing to Say 06:26
03. Z.I.T.O. 06:49
04. Carolina IV 13:13
05. Unfinished Allegro 01:15 (instrumental)
06. Carry On 05:22

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1998 - Live Acoustic At Fnac (EP Live)

Angra 47946

01. Angels Cry 09:53
02. Chega de Saudade (Tom Jobim cover) 02:54
03. Never Understand 06:25


2003 - Rebirth World Tour - Live in Sao Paulo (Live)

Angra 150

Disk 01:
01. In Excelsis / Nova Era 06:46
02. Acid Rain 06:06
03. Angels Cry 07:05
04. Heroes of Sand 04:28
05. Metal Icarus 09:03
06. Millennium Sun 05:09
07. Make Believe 05:51
08. Drum-Solo 05:17 (instrumental)

Disk 02:
01. Unholy Wars 08:20
02. Rebirth 05:26
03. Time 06:03
04. Running Alone 07:26
05. Crossing 01:53 (instrumental)
06. Nothing to Say 06:54
07. Unfinished Allegro / Carry On 06:33
08. The Number of the Beast (Iron Maiden cover) 05:58


2009 - Live At Neverland - Edu Falashi & Andre Matos (Live Mix)

Angra Cover

01. Unfinished Allegro (intro) 01:11
02. Carry On 05:20
03. Angels Cry 07:02
04. Make Believe 05:19
05. Metal Icarus 06:12
06. Time 06:02
07. Crossing 01:53
08. Nothing To Say 06:54
09. Live And Learn 04:12
10. Eyes Of Christ 04:13


2013 - Angels Cry - 20Th Anniversary Tour (Live)

Angra 76337

Disk 01:
01. Angels Cry 07:04
02. Nothing to Say 06:27
03. Waiting Silence 04:59
04. Lisbon 05:08
05. Time 05:55
06. Millennium Sun 05:46
07. Winds of Destination 07:09
08. Gentle Change 05:34
09. The Voice Commanding You 05:59
10. Late Redemption 05:04
11. Silence and Distance 05:58 (Bonus Track) *
12. Reaching Horizons 03:26
13. A Monster in Her Eyes 02:51

Disk 02:
01. No Pain for the Dead 05:11
02. Stand Away 05:32
03. Wuthering Heights 04:42
04. Evil Warning 06:42
05. Unfinished Allegro / Carry On 06:29
06. Rebirth 05:46
07. In Excelsis 07:00


2014 - Live At Loud Park '13 (Live)

Angra Cover

01. Angels Cry 06:53
02. Nothing to Say 06:25
03. Waiting Silence 04:57
04. Time 05:57
05. Lisbon 04:53
06. Winds of Destination 07:33
07. Gentle Change 05:44
08. Unfinished Allegro 01:11 (instrumental)
09. Carry On 05:44
10. Rebirth 06:03
11. Nova Era 05:47


2017 - AudioArena Originals - Angra (EP Live)

Angra 1022311

01. Newborn Me 06:19
02. Final Light 04:29
03. Waiting Silence 05:01
04. Rebirth 05:52


2021 - Ømni Live (Live) (Japanese Edition)

Angra 134742

Disk 01:
01. Newborn Me 06:15
02. Angels and Demons 04:11 (Bonus Track) *
03. Running Alone 07:14
04. Light of Transcendence 05:51
05. Travelers of Time 04:29
06. Black Widow's Web 05:41
07. Insania 06:13
08. The Bottom of My Soul 04:15
09. War Horns 04:40
10. Caveman 05:49
11. Green Tales / Drums Solo 03:49

Disk 02:
01. Magic Mirror 06:35
02. Always More 04:41
03. Ømni - Silence Inside 08:39
04. Spread Your Fire 04:52 (Bonus Track) *
05. Heroes of Sand 05:08 (Bonus Track) *
06. Upper Levels 06:26
07. Carolina IV 10:49
08. Rebirth 05:26
09. Nova Era 05:19 (Bonus Track) *
10. Ømni - Infinite Nothing 01:23 (instrumental)


2023 - ilumina Sonastério (EP Live)

Angra Cover

01. Rebirth (live) 05:27
02. Judgement Day (live) 05:40
03. Millennium Sun (live) 05:10
04. Upper Levels (live) 06:28
05. Black Widow's Web (live) 05:46
06. Nothing to Say (live) 06:30


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