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 Dimmu Borgir

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metal head
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Dimmu Borgir Empty
PostSubject: Dimmu Borgir   Dimmu Borgir Icon_minitimeSat Sep 21, 2024 9:05 pm

Inn I Evighetens Mørke [ep] (1994)

Dimmu Borgir 5779-dimmu-borgir-inn-i-evighetens-morke

1. Inn I Evighetens Mørke (Part. I) - 4:25
2. Inn I Evighetens Mørke (Part. II) - 1:58
3. Raabjørn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde - 4:51


Devil's Path [ep] (1996)

Dimmu Borgir 5777_dimmu_borgir_devils_path

1. Master of Disharmony (06:02)
2. Devil's Path (05:25)
3. Nocturnal Fear (Celtic Frost cover) (03:20)
4. Nocturnal Fear (Celtically Processed) (03:28)


Godless Savage Garden [ep] (1998)

Dimmu Borgir 851_dimmu_borgir_godless_savage_garden

1. Moonchild Domain (05:24)
2. Hunnerkongens Sorgsvarte Ferd over Steppene (Rerecorded) (03:05)
3. Chaos Without Prophecy (07:10)
4. Raabjorn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde (rerecorded) (05:04)
5. Metal Heart (Accept cover) (04:40)
6. Stormblast (live) (05:09)
7. Master Of Disharmony (live) (04:28)
8. In Death's Embrace (live) (06:15)


World Misanthropy [ep] (2002)

Dimmu Borgir 852_dimmu_borgir_world_misanthropy

1. Masses For The New Mesiah
2. Devil's Path, re-recording
3. Blessings upon The Throne of Tyranny
4. Kings of The Carnival Creation
5. Puritania
6. IndoctriNation


Alive In Torment [ep] (2001)

Dimmu Borgir 853_dimmu_borgir_alive_in_torment

01. Tortmentor Of Christian Souls (Live)
02. The Blazing Monoliths Of Defiance (Live)
03. The Insight And The Catharsis (Live)
04. Puritania (Live)
05. The Maelstrom Mephisto (Live)


Stormblåst Promo '05 [demo] (2005)

Dimmu Borgir 5776_dimmu_borgir_stormblast_mmv

1. Alt lys er svunnet hen
2. Broderskapets ring
3. Når sjelen hentes til helvete
4. Sorgens kammer - Del II
5. Da den kristine satte livet til
6. Stormblåst
7. Antikrist
8. Dødsferd
9. Vinder fra en ensom grav
10. Guds fortapelse - Åpenbaring Av Dommedag
11. Avmaktslave


Dimmu Borgir [Promo] (2017)

Dimmu Borgir 127498-Dimmu-Borgir-Dimmu-Borgir

01. Dimmu Borgir (Orchestral Version)
02. Gateways (Orchestral Version)
03. Perfect Strangers (Deep Purple Cover)
04. The Heretic Hammer
05. The Ancestral Fever
06. Puritania (Live at Wacken)

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