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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1966
Join date : 2024-07-07

Thornspawn  Empty
PostSubject: Thornspawn    Thornspawn  Icon_minitimeWed Jul 10, 2024 12:57 am

Thornspawn - The Dacian Empire [demo] (1996)

Thornspawn  74839

1. Beyond the Horns of the Crescent Moon 06:32
2. The Dacian Empire 04:55
3. The Spawn of the Nabu (They Are Seven) 07:32
4. Storming the Heavens 08:01


Thornspawn - Consecration Of Evil Flesh [demo] (1997)

Thornspawn  14965

1. Consecration of Evil Flesh 01:27
2. Dominions of Darkness 04:33
3. Everlasting Seige of the Necrosoldiers 05:04
4. Ancient Path 05:16
5. Licking the Virgin Mary's Cunt 02:42
6. Thrones of Suspiria 02:45


Thornspawn - Infernal Legions [ep] (1999)

Thornspawn  10910

1. Blood of the Holy Taint Thy Steel... 06:05
2. Master of the Bloodfury 05:37


Thornspawn - Empress From The Realms Of Blasphemy [ep] (2001)

Thornspawn  10912

1. Empress from the Realms of Blasphemy 04:03
2. Everlasting Siege of the Necrosoldiers 04:55
3. Master of the Bloodfury 05:15
4. Empress from the Realms of Blasphemy (previously unreleased 1998 version) 03:53


Thornspawn - Horns To The Kult [ep] (2003)

Thornspawn  67677

01 Divus de Mortuus (Necrovore Cover)
02 Hail Sathanas (Beherit Cover)


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