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 Hecate Enthroned

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Join date : 2024-07-07

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PostSubject: Hecate Enthroned   Hecate Enthroned Icon_minitimeThu Sep 26, 2024 8:10 pm

Virulent Rapture (2013)

Hecate Enthroned 73566

01.Thrones Of Shadow
03.Abyssal March
04.Plagued By Black death
06.Virulent Rapture
08.To Wield The Hand of Perdition
09.Of Witchery and the Blood Moon
11.Paths Of Silence


Redimus (2004)

Hecate Enthroned 29125

01. Intro 01:08
02. Soil Of Sin 02:58
03. Headhunter 04:20
04. No One Hears 03:31
05. The Face of Betrayel 04:03
06. As Fire 05:01
07. The Shining Delight 02:25
08. An Eternal Belief 04:38
09. Morbeea 04:00
10. Redimus 05:15
11. Choose Misanthropy 04:43
12. Overriding imagination 03:55


Kings Of Chaos (1999)

Hecate Enthroned 29123

1. Miasma 00:28
2. Perjurer 03:28
3. Deceiving the Deceiver 03:05
4. Malignant Entity 01:05
5. Blessing in Disguise 03:45
6. I Am Born 03:46
7. Exhalted in Depravity 02:09
8. Conquest Complete 04:11
9. The Downfall 03:49
10. Repent 05:36
11. Witch Queen Ascending 01:43


Dark Requiems, And Unsilent Massacre (1998)

Hecate Enthroned 29122

1. (Intro) In Nomine Satanus 02:18
2. The Pagan Swords of Legend 04:53
3. Centuries of Wolfen Hunger 04:10
4. Forever in Ebony Drowning 06:02
5. Upon the Kingdom Throne 04:00
6. For Thee, in Sinful Obscurity 02:11
7. Dark Requiems, and Unsilent Massacre 05:40
8. Thy Sorrow Bequeathed 03:27
9. The Scarlet Forsaken 04:35
10. Ancient Graveless Dawn 05:34


The Slaughter Of Innocence, A Requiem For The Mighty (1997)

Hecate Enthroned 29121

1. Goetia 01:24
2. Beneath a December Twilight 06:50
3. The Spell of the Winter Forest 06:47
4. Aflame in the Halls of Blasphemy 05:41
5. A Monument for Eternal Martyrdom 02:59
6. The Slaughter of Innocence... 04:49
7. At the Haunted Gallows of Dawn 03:38
8. Christfire 04:18
9. Within the Ruins of Eden 05:57
10. The Danse Macabre 03:42
11. The Beckoning (An Eternity of Darkness) 01:05


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