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 Orange Goblin

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metal head
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Join date : 2024-07-07

Orange Goblin Empty
PostSubject: Orange Goblin   Orange Goblin Icon_minitimeSun Sep 29, 2024 2:43 am

Science, Not Fiction  (2024)

Orange Goblin Orange-goblin-science-not-fiction-20240731020436

1. The Fire at the Centre of the Earth Is Mine (5:19)
2. (Not) Rocket Science (4:21)
3. Ascend the Negative (5:23)
4. False Hope Diet (6:57)
5. Cemetary Rats (5:57)
6. The Fury of a Patient Man (3:01)
7. Gemini (Twins of Evil) (5:05)
8. The Justice Knife (4:58)
9. End of Transmission (5:51)


The Wolf Bites Back (2018)

Orange Goblin Orange-goblin-the-wolf-bites-back-20180617100437

1. Sons of Salem 03:00
2. The Wolf Bites Back 04:28
3. Renegade 03:32
4. Swords of Fire 04:34
5. Ghosts of the Primitives 05:21
6. In Bocca al Lupo 02:12
7. Suicide Division 02:03
8. The Stranger 05:43
9. Burn the Ships 04:40
10. Zeitgeist 05:01


A Eulogy For The Damned (2012)

Orange Goblin Orange-goblin-a-eulogy-for-the-damned-20120122035605

1. Red Tide Rising 04:50
2. Stand for Something 03:48
3. Acid Trial 04:13
4. The Filthy & the Few 03:32
5. Save Me from Myself 05:59
6. The Fog 06:46
7. Return to Mars 02:27
8. Death of Aquarius 05:49
9. The Bishops Wolf 04:40
10. A Eulogy for the Damned 07:17


Healing Through Fire (2007)

Orange Goblin Orange-goblin-healing-through-fire

1. The Ballad of Solomon Eagle 5:19
2. Vagrant Stomp 4:11
3. The Ale House Braves 3:50
4. Cities of Frost 5:35
5. Hot Knives and Open Sores 4:22
6. Hounds Ditch 5:31
7. Mortlake (Dead Water) 2:11
8. They Come Back (Harvest of Skulls) 4:45
9. Beginners Guide to Suicide 8:07


Thieving From The House Of God (2004)

Orange Goblin Orange-goblin-thieving-from-the-house-of-god-20141019154200

01. Some You Win, Some You Lose 3:19
02. One Room, One Axe, One Outcome 5:29
03. Hard Luck 2:31
04. Black Egg 5:04
05. You're Not the One (Who Can Save Rock n' Roll) 2:20
06. If It Ain't Broke, Break It 5:26
07. Lazy Mary 3:18
08. Round Up the Horses 5:32
09. Tosh Lines 1:21
10. Just Got Paid 3:32
11. Crown of Locusts 9:24


Coup De Grace (2002)

Orange Goblin Orange-goblin-coup-de-grace-20180422212906

01. Your World Will Hate This 1:58
02. Monkey Panic 3:43
03. Rage of Angels 4:26
04. Made of Rats 5:37
05. Whiskey Leech 4:01
06. Getting High on the Bad Times 4:34
07. Graviton 4:12
08. Red Web 5:13
09. Born With Big Hands 4:25
10. Jesus Beater 4:30
11. We Bite 1:19
12. Stinkin' o' Gin 7:24


The Big Black (2000)

Orange Goblin Orange-goblin-the-big-black-20141019153025

01. Scorpionica 3:14
02. Quincy the Pigboy 3:55
03. Hot Magic, Red Planet 3:52
04. Cozmo Bozo 5:59
05. 298 Kg 3:55
06. Turbo Effalunt (Elephant) 3:34
07. King of the Hornets 5:13
08. You'll Never Get to the Moon in That 4:21
09. Alcofuel 2:23
10. The Big Black 11:52


Time Travelling Blues (1998)

Orange Goblin Orange-goblin-time-travelling-blues-20170522180425

1. Blue Snow 04:23
2. Solarisphere 06:09
3. Shine 06:56
4. The Man Who Invented Time 03:48
5. Diesel (Phunt) 02:46
6. Snail Hook 05:48
7. Nuclear Guru 06:16
8. Lunarville 7, Airlock 3 04:31
9. Time Travelling Blues 06:40
10. Sober Up 06:42


Frequencies From Planet Ten (1997)

Orange Goblin Orange-goblin-frequencies-from-planet-ten-20170310221825

1. The Astral Project (Class A) 06:49
2. Magic Carpet 03:19
3. Saruman's Wish 06:04
4. Song of the Purple Mushroom Fish 02:33
5. Aquatic Fanatic 04:20
6. Lothlorian 01:26
7. Land of Secret Dreams 07:38
8. Orange Goblin 05:33
9. Star Shaped Cloud 09:39


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