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metal head
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metal head

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Hate Empty
PostSubject: Hate   Hate Icon_minitimeMon Oct 07, 2024 7:45 pm

Abhorrence (EP)1992

Hate 26275

1. Sweet Death
2. Curse of Dream
3. Abhorrence
4. Psalm of Suffer
5. Demigod
6. The Prayer


Evil Art (Demo) 1994

Hate 26276

1. Purificated
2. Convocation
3. Evil Art
4. Living Sacrifice
5. Sweet Death
6. Demigod
7. Abhorrence
8. Psalm of Suffering


The Unwritten Law (demo) 1995

Hate 26277

1. Performance
2. The Unwritten Law
3. Burn with Hatred
4. Living Sacrifice
5. Decadance of the Human Race


Victims (EP) 1999

Hate 26280

1. Holy Dead Trinity
2. No Life After Death
3. Victims
4. God Overslept
5. The Kill (Napalm Death cover)
6. Postmortem (Slayer cover)


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