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 Nocturnal Depression

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metal head
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metal head

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Join date : 2024-07-07

Nocturnal Depression Empty
PostSubject: Nocturnal Depression   Nocturnal Depression Icon_minitimeThu Oct 17, 2024 3:37 am

Suicidal Thoughts (Demo 2004)

Nocturnal Depression 7591_nocturnal_depression_suicidal_thoughts

1. A Ghostly Face Into The Night
2. When Darkness Cover My Soul
3. As Some Blades Penetrating My Flesh
4. ...And The Forest Answer To My Call


Near to the Stars (Demo 2004)

Nocturnal Depression 7592_nocturnal_depression_near_to_the_stars

1. Into The Arms of Fog
2. Near to The Stars
3. I Am The Black Wizards (Emperor Cover)
4. Crystal Tears from Her Eyes
5. Lost into the Nothingness


Soundtrack for a Suicide (Demo 2005)

Nocturnal Depression 7593_nocturnal_depression_soundtrack_for_a_suicide

1. Voices From Inside
2. The Rope Circling My Neck
3. Springtime Depression (Forgotten Tomb Cover)
4. Manchmal Wenn Sie Schläft (Nargaroth Cover)
5. Astre De Nuit


Fuck Off Parisian Black Metal Scene (Demo 2005)

Nocturnal Depression 7594_nocturnal_depression_fuck_off_parisian_black_metal_scene

1. Solitude
2. Self-mutilation (Anthem To Blades)
3. Fuck Off Parisian Black Metal Scene
4. The Crying Wolf


Four Seasons to a Depression (Demo 2006)

Nocturnal Depression 7596_nocturnal_depression_four_seasons_to_a_depression

1. Fjaer (Spring)
2. Sommer (Summer)
3. Host (Autumn)
4. Vinter (Winter)


L'Isolement [ep] (2013)

Nocturnal Depression 71862_nocturnal_depression_lisolement

1. L'Isolement
2. Beskidt og forladt


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