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 Devin Townsend

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Posts : 1188
Join date : 2024-07-07

Devin Townsend Empty
PostSubject: Devin Townsend   Devin Townsend Icon_minitimeMon Oct 21, 2024 8:59 pm

Devin Townsend - Ocean Machine (1997)
Devin Townsend 578
01. Seventh Wave
02. Life
03. Night
04. Hide Nowhere
05. Sister
06. 3 A.M.
07. Voices In The Fan
08. Greetings
09. Regulator
10. Funeral
11. Bastard

Infinity (1998)
Devin Townsend 580
01. Truth
02. Christeen
03. Bad Devil
04. War
05. Soul Driven
06. Ants
07. Colonial Boy
08. Dynamics
09. Unity
10. Noisy Pink Bubbles

Physicist (2000)
Devin Townsend 581
01. Namaste
02. Victim
03. Material
04. Kingdom
05. Death
06. Devoid
07. The Complex
08. Irish Maiden
09. Jupiter
10. Planet Rain

Terria (2001)
Devin Townsend 582
01. Olives
02. Mountain
03. Earth Day
04. Deep Peace
05. Canada
06. Down And Under
07. The Fluke
08. Nobody's Here
09. Tiny Tears
10. Stagnant

Accelerated Evolution (2003)
Devin Townsend 583
01. Depth Charge
02. Storm
03. Random Analysis
04. Deadhead
05. Suicide
06. Traveller
07. Away
08. Sunday Afternoon
09. Slow Me Down

Devlab (2004)
Devin Townsend 4570
01. Devlab I
02. Devlab II
03. Devlab III
04. Devlab IV
05. Devlab V
06. Devlab VI
07. Devlab VII
08. Devlab VIII
09. Devlab IX
10. Devlab X
11. Devlab XI
12. Devlab XII
13. Devlab XIII
14. Devlab XIV
15. Devlab XV

Synchestra (2006)
Devin Townsend 4957
01. Let It Roll
02. Hypergeek
03. Triumph
04. Babysong
05. Vampolka
06. Vampira
07. Mental Tan
08. Gaia
09. Pixillate
10. Judgement
11. A Simple Lullaby
12. Sunset
13. Notes From Africa

The Hummer (2006)
Devin Townsend 15196
01. The Hummer
02. Arc
03. Consciousness Causes Collapse
04. Equation
05. The Abacus
06. Cosmic Surf
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Posts : 1188
Join date : 2024-07-07

Devin Townsend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Devin Townsend   Devin Townsend Icon_minitimeMon Oct 21, 2024 9:12 pm

Ziltoid The Omniscient (2007)
Devin Townsend 16844
01. ZTO
02. By Your Command
03. Ziltoidia Attaxx!!!
04. Solar Winds
05. Hyperdrive
06. N9
07. Planet Smasher
08. Omnidimensional Creator
09. Color Your World
10. The Greys
11. Tall Latte

Ki (2009)
Devin Townsend 29418
01. A Monday
02. Coast
03. Disruptr
04. Gato
05. Terminal
06. Heaven Send
07. Ain't Never Gonna Win...
08. Winter
09. Trainfire
10. Lady Helen
11. Ki
12. Quiet Riot
13. Demon League

Addicted (2009)
Devin Townsend 32015
01. Addicted!
02. Universe In A Ball!
03. Bend It Like Bender!
04. Supercrush!
05. Hyperdrive!
06. Resolve!
07. Ih-Ah!
08. The Way Home!
09. Numbered!
10. Awake!!

Deconstruction (2011)

Devin Townsend 34127
01. Praise The Lowered
02. Stand
03. Juular
04. Planet Of The Apes
05. Sumeria
06. The Mighty Masturbator
07. Pandemic
08. Deconstruction
09. Poltergeist

Ghost (2011)
Devin Townsend 36473
01. Fly
02. Heart Baby
03. Feather
04. Kawaii
05. Ghost
06. Blackberry
07. Monsoon
08. Dark Matters
09. Texada
10. Seams
11. Infinite Ocean
12. As You Were

Epicloud (2012)
Devin Townsend 53467
01. Effervescent!
02. True North
03. Lucky Animals
04. Liberation
05. Where We Belong
06. Save Our Now
07. Kingdom
08. Divine
09. Grace
10. More!
11. Lessons
12. Hold On
13. Angel

Ziltoid 2 (Z²) (2014 - Double Disc)
Devin Townsend 77970
Disc I [Sky Blue]
01. Rejoice
02. Fallout
03. Midnight Sun
04. A New Reign
05. Universal Flame
06. Warrior
07. Sky Blue
08. Silent Militia
09. Rain City
10. Forever
11. Before We Die
12. The Ones Who Love

Disc II [Dark Matters]
01. Z²
02. From Sleep Awake
03. Ziltoidian Empire
04. War Princess
05. Deathray
06. March Of The Poozers
07. Wandering Eye
08. Earth
09. Ziltoid Goes Home
10. Through The Wormhole
11. Dimension Z
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Transcendence (2014)
Devin Townsend 88751
01. Truth
02. Stormbending
03. Failure
04. Secret Sciences
05. Higher
06. Stars
07. Transcendence
08. Offer Your Light
09. From The Heart
10. Transdermal Celebration
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