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Vimur Empty
PostSubject: Vimur   Vimur Icon_minitimeSun Oct 27, 2024 12:04 am

The Timeless Everpresent 2024

Vimur 175337-Vimur-The-Timeless-Everpresent

01. Resacralization
02. Fire, Glory, and Thinking
03. Sons of Another Light
04. Wound Window
05. The Cold Only We Know
06. Fortress of a New Faith
07. The Embrace of Merciless Indifference
08. Astride the Centuries


Traversing The Ethereal Current (2014)

Vimur 175332-Vimur-Traversing-the-Ethereal-Current

1. Elegy of the Morningstar 03:44
2. Leech of Humanity 05:29
3. The Pernicious Doctrine 05:11
4. Ephemeral Sentience 04:32
5. By Black Winds Oppressed 06:06
6. Professions of the Heresiarch 05:32
7. Traversing the Ethereal Current 07:27
8. To Abide in Eternal Grief 10:00
9. Memory of Heathen Reign 08:53


Transcendental Violence (2022)

Vimur 175336-Vimur-Transcendental-Violence

1. Aeonic Upheaval 08:43
2. Transcendental Violence 03:09
3. Infallible Contra Animus 05:40
4. Emanations from the Sun Behind the Sun 04:28
5. The Greatest Dying 04:36
6. Death Absolution 05:13
7. The Warrior Seers 07:10


Triumphant Master Of Fates (2019)

Vimur 175335-Vimur-Triumphant-Master-of-Fates

1. Seditious Apertures 05:13
2. Consumed by the Source 05:30
3. Adversarial Impetus Ignition 07:35
4. Sulphurous Hallucinations Manifest 01:51
5. Nuclear Desecration 04:30
6. Our Dearest Hopes Lie Buried Here 06:24
7. Supreme Preemption of the Lightless Empire 10:52


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