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 ...and Oceans

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PostSubject: ...and Oceans   ...and Oceans Icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 1:29 am

...And Oceans "As In Gardens, So In Tombs" (2023)

...and Oceans 154752

1. As in Gardens, So in Tombs
2. The Collector and His Construct
3. Within Fire and Crystal
4. Carried on Lead Wings
5. Likt törnen genom Kött
6. Cloud Heads
7. Wine into Water
8. Inverse Magnification Matrix
9. The Earth Canvas
10. Ambivalent God
11. Samlarens Valv
12. Third Eye Catalyst


...And Oceans - Cosmic World Mother (2020)

...and Oceans 106734

1. The Dissolution of Mind and Matter 04:09
2. Vigilance and Atrophy 04:38
3. Five of Swords 05:02
4. As the After Becomes the Before 05:13
5. Cosmic World Mother 04:37
6. Helminthiasis 04:26
7. Oscillator Epitaph 03:54
8. In Abhorrence upon Meadows 02:29
9. Apokatastasis 04:21
10. One of Light, One of Soil 03:17
11. The Flickering Lights 05:24


...And Oceans - Cypher (2002)

...and Oceans 2606

01. Fragile: Pictures of Silence: Melting the Skies 02:46
02. Picturesque: Cataclysm Savour: And the Little Things That Make Us Smile 03:25
03. Angelina: Chthonian Earth: Her Face Forms Worms 03:52
04. Halcyon: The Heavy Silence: In Silent Rain 03:46
05. Aphelion: Light Evanescence: Into Extinction 03:28
06. Opaque: The Morning I Woke Up Dead: Today Is the Day 03:08
07. Aphid: Devil Flower: Fruits of Lunacy 03:32
08. Voyage: Lost Between Horizons: Eaten by the Distance 04:17
09. Catharsis: End of Organisms: Absolute Purification of Sins 02:31
10. Silhouette: In White Rooms: Vacant Bodies 03:48
11. Comatose: The World Amnesia: Planet Dead 02:58
12. Debris: The Magenta Harvest: Liquid Flesh 04:19
13. Nail: An Odyssey in Flesh: Celebrate the New Skin 05:17


...And Oceans - A.M. G.O.D. (2001)

...and Oceans 2604

01. Intelligence Is Sexy 05:15
02. White Synthetic Noise 05:30
03. Tears Have No Name 06:13
04. Esprit de corps 03:35
05. Odious & Devious 06:16
06. Of Devillish Tongues 05:44
07. Postfuturistika 05:41
08. TBA in a Silver Box 04:18
09. New Model World 05:55


...and Oceans - The Symmetry of I - The Circle of O - 1999

...and Oceans 2602

01. Mechanic Hippie (6:21)
02. Aquarium of Children, Ajatusten Merenpinta (4:39)
03. The Black Vagabond and the Swan of Two Heads (5:17)
04. Sеlipsism (5:11)
05. Baby Blue Doll, Merry Go Mind (4:25)
06. Дcid Sex and Marble Teeth (You-Phoria) (4:53)
07. I Wish I Was Pregnant (5:30)
08. Stained (4:36)
01. Injected With Silence (6:30)
02. Cacophonous Ballet (4:16)
03. Higher Levels of Microbotic Fields (5:00)
04. Playground (1:41)
05. Mental Traffic (3:06)
06. mOlecules (6:38)
07. Spasms (3:55)
08. Chess (1:36)


...And Oceans - The Dynamic Gallery Of Thoughts (1998)

...and Oceans 2601

01. Trollfan 04:49
02. The Room of Thousand Arts 05:04
03. Som öppna böcker 04:52
04. Je te connais beau masque 08:02
05. Mikrobotik Fields / Ur åldrig saga och sång 08:01
06. Samtal med tankar = Halo of Words 05:16
07. September (När hjärtat blöder) 06:57
08. Kärsimyksien vaaleat kädet 05:30

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