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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1538
Join date : 2024-07-07

Vredehammer Empty
PostSubject: Vredehammer   Vredehammer Icon_minitimeSun Nov 03, 2024 1:53 am

God Slayer (2024)

Vredehammer 172772-Vredehammer-God-Slayer

1. Intro 01:06
2. From the Abyss 05:12
3. The Joker 04:51
4. God Slayer 05:04
5. The Dragons Burn 04:17
6. Blood of Wolves 05:11
7. Death Becomes the New Day 04:27
8. Product Human Slave 04:42
9. Obliterator 03:49


Viperous 2020

Vredehammer 135364-Vredehammer-Viperous

01. Winds of Dysphoria 05:05
02. Aggressor 04:49
03. Suffocate All Light 03:59
04. Viperous 04:31
05. Skinwalker 04:33
06. In Shadow 05:25
07. Wounds 04:37
08. Any Place but Home 04:56
09. From a Spark to a Withering Flame 04:42


Violator (2016)

Vredehammer 106084-vredehammer-violator

1. Light the Fucking Sky 05:06
2. Spawn Tyrant 03:28
3. Violator 03:55
4. Deadfall 05:19
5. Ursus 04:48
6. Cyclone 05:00
7. Blodhevn 05:50


Vinteroffer (2014)

Vredehammer 76405_vredehammer_vinteroffer

01. The Awakening 02:21
02. Cthulhu 04:37
03. Seduce Infect Destroy 06:02
04. Suicide Forest 06:05
05. We are the Sacrifice 05:24
06. Sykdom 05:01
07. Summoned 04:20
08. Vinteroffer 09:21
09. Admissa 01:52


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