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Join date : 2024-07-07

Petrale Empty
PostSubject: Petrale   Petrale Icon_minitimeTue Nov 05, 2024 2:37 am

From Under The Floorboards (2017)

Petrale 111868-petrale-from-under-the-floorboards

01. From Under The Floorboards
02. Calcium Carbonate
03. Daj I Meni Malo
04. Lutke
05. Kala Kriza Po Macelon
06. Simlija
07. Slug Lights
08. Daj I Meni Malo
09. Slug Lights

M.M. (2018)

Petrale 168346

01. Šilok 06:59
02. Bent the Needle 07:19
03. Ostavi mu prikle 05:09
04. Fiat 06:17
05. Orlovi kam 04:33
06. M.M. 06:28
07. Nocturbulous (The Suburban Knight cover) 04:43
08. The Sun Grew Horns 05:39

Crna Drača (2019)

Petrale 168345

01. Bura
02. Ne Izlazi Bez Šterike
03. Jahman
04. Eno Ide Belaj
05. Amo Isčupat Čemprese
06. Enforced Void
07. Došla Mora Uzet Soli (Bend The Needle Pt. 2)
08. Crna Drača
09. Nebo
10. Dissolve Yourself Into Fog (Rastopi Se U Maglu)

All Things Infernal (2020)

Petrale 168344

1.Asteroid Spray 05:05
2.Bleak Rattling Shells (From the Age of No Volatility) 05:52
3.Treba bokun olova 05:55
4.We Got Spice (Spicelab Cover) 07:44
5.Grnčeva jama 07:10
6.Telluric Stress Propagator 05:49
7.0,0,0 08:43
8.Nocturne (T99 Cover) 04:03
9.Illuminating the Chapel 04:06
10.Nije ti to svijetlo 06:09

Vrh (2022)

Petrale 168342

01. Whispering Fumes 05:27
02. Ne Bit 04:40
03. Invocation Of Silence 06:29
04. Throwing Nails 04:35
05. Križ Mađija 06:47
06. Šupjine Se Isavaju 04:15
07. Brittle Turbulence 07:54
08. Vrh 06:56

Salvation Precipitates (2023)

Petrale 168341

01. There They Come (Salvation Precipitates With Ultimate Seduction)
02. Those Who Never Saw The Pillars
03. The Silent Owl
04. Opet Je Neko Ižijo Mjesec (Bend The Needle Part 3)
05. Sad Će Sve Fermat
06. Bring On The Sulphur
07. There It Is / Spas

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