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Voice Empty
PostSubject: Voice   Voice Icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 5:50 am

Voice - Holy Or Damned (2024)

Voice 186454

1. Nevermore
2. The Silence of Prescience
3. In This World
4. Dream On
5. Schizo Dialogues
6. Tears in the Dust
7. Chatroom Whispering
8. Privateer
9. Let's Go Ahead
10. Only Grey Remain
11. Petrified Dreams


Voice - Soulhunter (2003)

Voice 5410

1. Soulhunter 06:40
2. Devilish Temptation 03:35
3. Valhalla 05:11
4. Place of Deliverance 04:20
5. Firedevil 04:51
6. Fairground of Illusion 06:00
7. Glorious Empire 03:50
8. Where Have The Angels Disappeared 05:30
9. Like A Heart 04:44


Voice - Trapped In Anguish (1999)

Voice 47128

01. No Way Out 05:20
02. Twilight Dreams 04:01
03. Behind Your Reflections 06:50
04. The Silent Way 06:50
05. Colder Than Ice 05:49
06. The Gunslinger 05:05
07. Disappeared Heroes 06:22
08. In the Night 04:43
09. The Journey 10:30


Voice - Prediction (1999)

Voice 47127

1. Victim Of The Glory
2. The Prediction
3. Sand Creek
4. Project Daydream
5. I'll Be There
6. Tears In The Darkness
7. Stonehenge

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