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Posts : 1436
Join date : 2024-07-07

Slechtvalk Empty
PostSubject: Slechtvalk   Slechtvalk Icon_minitimeMon Nov 11, 2024 6:42 am

Slechtvalk - At Death’s Gate (2024)

Slechtvalk 17303810

1. Paralysed By Fear 04:52
2. At Death's Gate 08:32
3. The White Raven 05:39
4. Fight Till the End 04:44
5. Death 05:51
6. Night of the Locusts 05:54
7. Enshrouded 08:55
8. The Destroyer 05:05
9. Heritage 08:14
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Posts : 1436
Join date : 2024-07-07

Slechtvalk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slechtvalk   Slechtvalk Icon_minitimeMon Nov 11, 2024 6:54 am

Falconry (2000)

Slechtvalk 12265_slechtvalk_falconry

01. Cries Of The Haunted
02. T.M.B.W.G.M.N.L.
03. In Hell I Burn
04. My Bleeding Heart
05. To Praise The Unpraised
06. The Satanic Forest
07. Consumed By Flames
08. My Eternal Beloved
09. De Verdrongen Tekenen

The War That Plagues The Lands (2002)

Slechtvalk 12268_slechtvalk_the_war_that_plagues_the_lands

1. Of Slumber And Death 03:50
2. A Plea For The King 06:59
3. From Behind The Trees 05:28
4. My Last Call 10:59
5. The Falcon's Flight 05:08
6. A Call In The Night 05:03
7. And Thus It Burns 04:12
8. Burying The Dead 05:39
9. War Of The Ancients 05:45
10. The Dragon's Children 04:05
11. In Paradisum 06:36

A Forlorn Throne (2010)

Slechtvalk 28143_slechtvalk_a_forlorn_throne

1. Tamern of the Seas 04:37
2. Forsaken 08:32
3. Desolate 06:29
4. Divided by Malice 07:11
5. Allegiance 07:53
6. Enthroned 08:32
7. Bewailed 05:19
8. Towards the Dawn 07:35
9. Vengance of a Scorned King 05:43

Where Wandering Shadows and Mists Collide (2016)

Slechtvalk 108063-slechtvalk-where-wandering-shadows-and-mists-collide

01. We Are 03:40
02. Asternas 06:33
03. Betrayed 04:12
04. March to Ruin 06:21
05. Nemesis 04:06
06. Rise or Fall 04:38
07. The Shrouded Grief 05:14
08. Malagh Defiled 05:13
09. Wandering Shadows 08:48
10. Homebound 04:55
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