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Entombed Empty
PostSubject: Entombed   Entombed Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2024 11:17 am

Clandestine (1991) flac

Entombed 2324-Entombed-Clandestine

1. Living Dead
2. Sinners Bleed
3. Evilyn
4. Blessed Be
5. Stranger Aeons
6. Chaos Breed
7. Crawl
8. Severe Burns
9. Through the Collonades


Uprising 2000

Entombed 2329_entombed_uprising

01. Seeing Red
02. Say It in Slugs
03. Won't Back Down
04. Insanity's Contagious
05. Something Out of Nothing
06. Scottish Hell (Dead Horse cover)
07. Time Out
08. The Itch
09. Year in Year Out
10. Returning to Madness
11. Come Clean
12. In the Flesh


Inferno 2003

Entombed 2331_entombed_inferno

CD1 Inferno:
01. Retaliation
02. The Fix Is In
03. Incinerator
04. Children of the Underworld
05. That's When I Became a Satanist
06. Nobodaddy
07. Intermission
08. Young & Dead
09. Descent Into Inferno
10. Public Burning
11. Flexing Muscles
12. Skeleton of Steel
13. Night for Day

CD 2: "Averno":
01. When Humanity's Gone
02. There Are Horrors of 1000 Nightmares
03. Random Guitar
04. Retaliation (video edit)
05. Albino Flogged in Black (video edit)
06. Retaliation (enhanced video)
07. Albino Flogged in Black (enhanced video)


Same Difference 1998

Entombed 2327_entombed_same_difference

01. Addiction King
02. The Supreme Good
03. Clauses
04. Kick in the Head
05. Same Difference
06. Close but Nowhere Near
07. What You Need
08. High Waters
09. 20/20 Vision
10. The Day, the Earth
11. Smart Aleck
12. Jack Worm
13. Wolf Tickets


Morning Star 2001

Entombed 2330_entombed_morning_star

01. Chief Rebel Angel
02. I for an Eye
03. Bringer of Light
04. Ensemble of the Restless
05. Out of Heaven
06. Young Man Nihilist
07. Year One Now
08. Fractures
09. When It Hits Home
10. City of Ghosts
11. About to Die
12. Mental Twin


Left Hand Path 1990

Entombed 2323-Entombed-Left-Hand-Path

01. Left Hand Path
02. Drowned
03. Revel in Flesh
04. When Life Has Ceased
05. Supposed to Rot
06. But Life Goes On
07. Bitter Loss
08. Morbid Devourment
09. Abnormally Deceased
10. The Truth Beyond
11. Carnal Leftovers (CD Bonus Track)
12. Premature Autopsy (CD Bonus Track)


To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth 1997

Entombed 2326_entombed_to_ride_shoot_straight_and_speak_the_truth

01. To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth
02. Like This with the Devil
03. Lights Out
04. Wound
05. They
06. Somewhat Peculiar
08. Parasight
09. Damn Deal Done
10. Put Me Out
11. Just As Sad
12. Boats
13. Uffe's Horrorshow
14. Wreckage

Bonus Disc:
01. Kick Out yhe Jams (MC5 cover)
02. 21st Century Schizoid Man (King Crimson cover)
03. Bursting Out (Venom cover)
04. Under the Sun (Black Sabbath cover)


Serpent Saints - The Ten Amendments 2007

Entombed 5012-Entombed-Serpent-Saints-The-Ten-Amendments

01. Serpent Saints
02. Masters Of Death
03. Thy Kingdom Coma
04. Amok
05. Warfare Plague Famine Death
06. In The Blood
07. The Dead The Dying And The Dying To Be Dead
08. Ministry
09. When In Sodom
10. The Ten Commandments


Wolverine Blues 1993

Entombed 2325_entombed_wolverine_blues

01. Eyemaster
02. Rotten Soil
03. Wolverine Blues
04. Demon
05. Contempt
06. Full of Hell
07. Blood Song
08. Hollowman
09. Heavens Die
10. Out of Hand

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