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 Outer Heaven

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Posts : 1436
Join date : 2024-07-07

Outer Heaven Empty
PostSubject: Outer Heaven   Outer Heaven Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2024 8:41 pm

Infinite Psychic Depths (2023)

Outer Heaven 164402-Outer-Heaven-Infinite-Psychic-Depths

1. Soul Remnants 03:22
2. Pillars of Dust 03:21
3. Fragmented Suspension 02:52
4. Drained of Life 03:25
5. Liquified Mind 03:42
6. Unspeakable Aura 05:16
7. Rotting Stone / D.M.T. 06:28
8. Starcrusher 04:34
9. Pallasite Chambers 03:23
10. Warped Transcendence 04:05
11. From Nothingness to Eternity 05:18

Realms Of Eternal Decay (2018)

Outer Heaven 129383-Outer-Heaven-Realm-of-Eternal-Decay

1. Vortex of Thought 03:51
2. What Lies Beneath 02:05
3. Pulsating Swarm 03:49
4. Multicellular Savagery 03:36
5. Echoes from Beyond 02:53
6. Tortured Winds 02:04
7. Bloodspire 04:15
8. Sacrificial Evolution 03:35
9. Putrid Dwelling 02:29
10. Decaying Realms 04:37
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