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Khors Empty
PostSubject: Khors   Khors Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2024 9:08 pm

Where The Word Acquires Eternity (2020)

Khors 143062-Khors-Where-the-Word-Acquires-Eternity

1. Starvation 05:09
2. Blissforsaken 07:10
3. Crystals of the Fall 06:52
4. The Sea of My Soul 05:35
5. ...and Life Shall Harvest One's Past 05:24
6. Up the Ladder to a Lance 06:20
7. The Mist (Let This Fog Devour a Snow) 06:46
8. Beneath the Keen Edge of Time 07:13


Night Falls Onto The Fronts Of Ours (2015)

Khors 87357-Khors-Night-Falls-onto-the-Fronts-of-Ours

01. No Oaths No Tears No Knees! 06:48
02. Dead Birds Valley 06:03
03. Following the Ways of Blood 04:42
04. Night Falls onto the Fronts of Ours 02:59
05. 1664 04:42
06. For the Last Time 05:26
07. Slight Web Solitude 05:13
08. My Cossack Way 07:47


Wisdom Of Centuries (2012)

Khors 61308-Khors-Wisdom-of-Centuries

1. Through the Clouds of the Past 01:54
2. Black Forest's Flaming Eyes 09:16
3. The Last Leaves 06:28
4. Where the Grandeur of Mountains Embraces the Space 01:56
5. Horizons Glassy 02:55
6. Wisdom of Centuries 06:18
7. Only Time Will Take It Away 07:53
8. Twilight 01:30


Mysticism (2008)

Khors 34055_khors_mysticism

1. Through The Rays Of Fading Moon 2:54
2. Raven's Dance 7:20
3. Milk Of Heavens 4:07
4. Winterfall 6:28
5. In The Cold Embrace Of Mist 5:27
6. Pagan Scars 3:37
7. Mysticism 4:36
8. Red Mirrors 4:11


Cold (2006)

Khors 34053_khors_cold

1. Cold 05:20
2. Ashes 04:24
3. Garnet 04:39
4. Misery 06:47
5. Concious Burning 05:33
6. Whispers 02:25
7. In the Depths of the Black Hills 05:27
8. The Abyss 03:21


The Flame Of Eternity's Decline (2005)

Khors 34052_khors_the_flame_of_eternitys_decline

1. Wounds of the past 04:39 [view lyrics]
2. Eyes of eternal lonelyness 04:30 [view lyrics]
3. Throne of antiquity 05:10
4. Trees are remembers... 04:50
5. Breath 02:08
6. Moan of the grief 05:30
7. Spirit of fury 04:09
8. Flame of eternity 06:44


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