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 Unaussprechlichen Kulten

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Posts : 1436
Join date : 2024-07-07

Unaussprechlichen Kulten Empty
PostSubject: Unaussprechlichen Kulten   Unaussprechlichen Kulten Icon_minitimeWed Nov 13, 2024 7:36 am

Unaussprechlichen Kulten - Häxan Sabaoth (2024)

Unaussprechlichen Kulten 167462-Unaussprechlichen-Kulten-Hxan-Sabaoth

1. Lamia Sucuba 05:38
2. Cuatro Velas de Cebo Infantil 05:00
3. Our Almighty Chthonic Lords 05:15
4. Hexennippel 06:28
5. Dho Hna Formula 05:22
6. Back to the Mother Hydra and Father Dagon 06:38
7. Die Teufelsbücher 08:17
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Posts : 1436
Join date : 2024-07-07

Unaussprechlichen Kulten Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unaussprechlichen Kulten   Unaussprechlichen Kulten Icon_minitimeWed Nov 13, 2024 7:49 am

Wake Up In The Night Of Walpurgis (2005)

Unaussprechlichen Kulten 84040_unaussprechlichen_kulten_wake_up_in_the_night_of_walpurgis

1. Intro : The Invocation of Crawling Chaos 00:29
2. The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Youngs 03:04
3. Blasphemous Cult from Yuggoth 02:55
4. Prophecy of Al-Azif 02:55
5. Esoteric Order of Dagon 02:42
6. Nyarlathotep 03:01
7. Azathoth Have Mercy ! 03:22
8. De Vermis Mysteriis 02:06
9. Reanimated from Beyond Spheres and Time 07:18

People Of The Monolith (2008)

Unaussprechlichen Kulten 84041_unaussprechlichen_kulten_people_of_the_monolith

1. Intro: H.P.L. Wake Up In Walpurgisnacht 02:30
2. Almonsin-Metraton 02:57
3. Cultos Sin Nombre 02:48
4. Ritual Monolith Of Tsathoggua 02:52
5. Nekros Nomos-Eikon 03:44
6. Cultes Des Goules 03:11
7. Liver Ivonis 03:04
8. Outro: H.P.L. Back To Leng 01:28

Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath (2014)

Unaussprechlichen Kulten 84047_unaussprechlichen_kulten_baphomet_pan_shub_niggurath

1. Prologue
2. The Hooded Baphomet Bleated
3. La Recta Provincia
4. Yogge-Sothothe
5. Ceremony Of Belial
6. Kadath In The Cold Waste
7. Nomen Mysticum
8. Spirals Of Acrid Smoke
9. Epilogie

Keziah Lilith Medea (Chapter X) (2017)

Unaussprechlichen Kulten 111037-unaussprechlichen-kulten-keziah-lilith-medea-chapter-x

01. Unholy Abjuration of Faith 05:13
02. The Woman, the Devil and God's Permit 04:20
03. Dentro Del Círculo 03:47
04. Firma El Libro De La Muerte 07:30
05. Sacrificio Infanticida 05:06
06. Sabbatical Offering 04:43
07. The Mark of the Devil 03:52
08. Lujuria Carnal Con Incubos 03:56

Teufelsbücher (2019)

Unaussprechlichen Kulten 132886-Unaussprechlichen-Kulten-Teufelsbcher

1. The Evil out of Control 07:39
2. Keziah Lilith Medea 05:34
3. Cranquiluria 07:27
4. A Search and an Evocation 06:07
5. Flapping Membraneous Wings 07:26
6. Necromancy and Torment 08:24
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Unaussprechlichen Kulten
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