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 Ordinul Negru

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Posts : 1436
Join date : 2024-07-07

Ordinul Negru Empty
PostSubject: Ordinul Negru   Ordinul Negru Icon_minitimeThu Nov 14, 2024 4:12 am

Over The Frozen Battlegrounds (2006)

Ordinul Negru 96681-ordinul-negru-over-the-frozen-battlegrounds

1. In the old cemetery
2. I am the legend…
3. Over the frozen battlegrounds
4. The chasing fog
5. Buried in the eternal night
6. The empty graves lighted by the fullmoon
7. Funeral thorns
8. Eternal warmarch into the ancient night

The Black Order (2007)

Ordinul Negru 96688-ordinul-negru-the-black-order

1. Black Flame 06:38
2. ...and Dracu Saw My Call... 06:29
3. Night's Frost 04:08
4. The Warlord from the Cold Fog 03:53
5. Axion 04:06
6. Thy Vampiryc Fullmoon 02:10
7. The Forest in the Fog 06:13
8. Forgotten Blood 05:01
9. The Veil of the Dead 02:12
10. Flames of Resistance 04:49
11. Veangeance at Cold Dusk 05:52
12. Cursed Enemy 03:12
13. The Return to the Ancient Funeral 04:00

My Soul From The Forest (2007)

Ordinul Negru 96690-ordinul-negru-my-soul-from-the-forest

1. From The Forest It Comes 10:16
2. Solstice 09:03
3. Winterfight 08:11
4. The Blood Of The Ancient Man 08:29
5. Silence 11:47
6. A Beast In Darkness 09:55

Lifeless (2008)

Ordinul Negru 96691-ordinul-negru-lifeless

1. Wolves from the Ancient Forest 06:40
2. Return to the Lifeless Paths 05:10
3. Warewolf 03:52
4. Eve Tales 03:15
5. The cold spirit arouse from a Forgotten Soul 03:47
6. Morbid Prophecy 09:27
7. Serpent’s Promise 09:16
8. Snow covers the Blood of the Warrior 07:42
9. Dark 04:52
10. Hammer Crushing Bodies 07:04
11. Through the Frosted Wood to the Sacred Sign of Despair 05:59

Poems Of A Rooted Blade (2009)

Ordinul Negru 96694-ordinul-negru-poems-of-a-rooted-blade

1. Poems of a Rooted Blade (21:22)
2. Outro (04:09)
3. Postludium (10:12)
4. Symbols Collected Within a Tree (06:13)

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Posts : 1436
Join date : 2024-07-07

Ordinul Negru Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ordinul Negru   Ordinul Negru Icon_minitimeThu Nov 14, 2024 4:20 am

Nostalgia Of The Fullmoon Nights (2011)

Ordinul Negru 96695-ordinul-negru-nostalgia-of-the-fullmoon-nights

1. In the Fullmoon Nights 04:32
2. Steps over Time 4:10
3. Crepuscul si Blestem 07:09
4. Dark Realm 05:26
5. Degeneration 06:11
6. Forgotten in Apathy 06:33
7. Waiting for the Winter to Embrace 03:34
8. Beyond Twilight 04:07

Sorcery Of Darkness (2015)

Ordinul Negru 96696-ordinul-negru-sorcery-of-darkness

1. Sorcery Of Darkness
2. From The Ashes Of The Mist
3. In Ceas De Noapte

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