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 October Tide

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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1843
Join date : 2024-07-07

October Tide Empty
PostSubject: October Tide   October Tide Icon_minitimeFri Nov 15, 2024 2:56 am

Rain Without End 1997

October Tide 12665_october_tide_rain_without_end

01. 12 Days of Rain
02. Ephemeral
03. All Painted Cold
04. Sightless
05. Losing Tomorrow
06. Blue Gallery
07. Infinite Submission


Grey Dawn 1999

October Tide 12666_october_tide_grey_dawn

1. Grey Dawn
2. October Insight
3. Sweetness Dies
4. Heart of the Dead
5. Floating
6. Lost in the Dark - And Then Gone
7. Into Deep Sleep
8. Dear Sun


A Thin Shell (2010)

October Tide 28526-October-Tide-A-Thin-Shell

1. A Custodian Of Science 07:33
2. Deplorable Request 06:03
3. The Nighttime Project 04:32
4. Blackness Devours 05:15
5. The Dividing Line 05:43
6. Fragile 06:35
7. Scorned 06:33


Tunnel Of No Light 2013

October Tide 63611_october_tide_tunnel_of_no_light

01. Of Wounds to Come
02. Our Constellation
03. Emptiness Fulfilled
04. Caught in Silence
05. The Day I Dissolved
06. Watching the Drowners
07. In Hopeless Pursuit
08. Adoring Ashes


Winged Waltz (2016)

October Tide 97997-october-tide-winged-waltz

1. Swarm 07:12
2. Sleepless Sun 06:10
3. Reckless Abandon 06:38
4. A Questioin Ignite 05:14
5. Nursed by the Cold 04:33
6. Lost in Rapture 05:46
7. Perilous 06:35
8. Coffins of November 08:25


In Splendor Below 2019

October Tide 130194-October-Tide-In-Splendor-Below

01. I, the Polluter
02. We Died in October
03. Ögonblick av nåd
04. Stars Starve Me
05. Our Famine
06. Guide My Pulse
07. Seconds
08. Envy of the Moon


The Cancer Pledge 2023

October Tide 166502-October-Tide-The-Cancer-Pledge

01. Peaceful, Quiet, Safe
02. Tapestry of Our End
03. Unprecedented Aggression
04. Blodfattig
05. The Cancer Pledge
06. I know Why I´m Cold
07. Season of Arson
08. Breathe the Water


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