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 The Ocean

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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1510
Join date : 2024-07-07

The Ocean Empty
PostSubject: The Ocean   The Ocean Icon_minitimeWed Nov 20, 2024 8:49 pm

Anthropocentric 2010

The Ocean 30894_the_ocean_anthropocentric

1. Anthropocentric (9:24)
2. The Grand Inquisitor I: Karama (5:02)
3. She Was The Universe (5:39)
4. For He That Wavereth... (2:06)
5. The Grand Inquisitor II: Roots (6:33)
6. The Grand Inquisitor III: A Ti (1:55)
7. Sewers Of The Soul (3:44)
8. Wille Zum Untergang (6:02)
9. Heaven TV (5:03)
10. The Almightiness Contradiction (4:34)


Pelagial 2013

The Ocean 65199-The-Ocean-Pelagial

01. Epipelagic
02. Mesopelagic: Into the Uncanny
03. Bathyalpelagic I: Impasses
04. Bathyalpelagic Ii: The Wish in Dreams
05. Bathyalpelagic Iii: Disequillibrated
06. Abyssopelagic I: Boundless Vasts
07. Abyssopelagic Ii: Signals of Anxiety
08. Hadopelagic I: Omen of the Deep
09. Hadopelagic Ii: Let Them Believe
10. Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance
11. Benthic: The Origin of Our Wishes

01. Epipelagic (Instrumental Version)
02. Mesopelagic: Into the Uncanny (Instrumental Version)
03. Bathyalpelagic I: Impasses (Instrumental Version)
04. Bathyalpelagic Ii: The Wish in Dreams (Instrumental Version)
05. Bathyalpelagic Iii: Disequillibrated (Instrumental Version)
06. Abyssopelagic I: Boundless Vasts (Instrumental Version)
07. Abyssopelagic Ii: Signals of Anxiety (Instrumental Version)
08. Hadopelagic I: Omen of the Deep (Instrumental Version)
09. Hadopelagic Ii: Let Them Believe (Instrumental Version)
10. Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance (Instrumental Version)
11. Benthic: The Origin of Our Wishes (Instrumental Version)


Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic 2018

The Ocean 123072-The-Ocean-Phanerozoic-I-Palaeozoic

01. The Cambrian Explosion
02. Cambrian II: Eternal Recurrence
03. Ordovicium: The Glaciation of Gondwana
04. Silurian: Age of Sea Scorpions
05. Devonian: Nascent
06. The Carboniferous Rainforest Collapse
07. Permian: The Great Dying


Phanerozoic II: Mesozoic | Cenozoic 2020

The Ocean 140804-The-Ocean-Phanerozoic-II-Mesozoic-Cenozoic

01. Triassic
02. Jurassic | Cretaceous
03. Palaeocene
04. Eocene
05. Oligocene
06. Miocene | Pliocene
07. Pleistocene
08. Holocene
09. Triassic (Instrumental)
10. Jurassic | Cretaceous (Instrumental)
11. Palaeocene (Instrumental)
12. Eocene (Instrumental)
13. Oligocene (Instrumental)
14. Miocene | Pliocene (Instrumental)
15. Pleistocene (Instrumental)
16. Holocene (Instrumental)


Holocene (Limited Edition) 2023

The Ocean 162258-The-Ocean-Holocene

CD-1: Holocene
01. Preboreal
02. Boreal
03. Sea Of Reeds
04. Atlantic
05. Subboreal
06. Unconformities
07. Parabiosis
08. Subatlantic

CD-2: Holocene - Instrumental
01. Preboreal
02. Boreal
03. Sea Of Reeds
04. Atlantic
05. Subboreal
06. Unconformities
07. Parabiosis
08. Subatlantic

CD-3: SHRVL - Limbus
01. Response
02. Remission
03. Relapse
04. Recovery
05. Recurrence


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