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 Before The Dawn

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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1538
Join date : 2024-07-07

Before The Dawn Empty
PostSubject: Before The Dawn   Before The Dawn Icon_minitimeSun Nov 24, 2024 9:36 pm

Stormbringers 2024

Before The Dawn 163814-Before-the-Dawn-Stormbringers

01. The Dawn
02. Destroyer
03. Reveries
04. Downhearted
05. Chains
06. Divided
07. The Dark
08. Chaos Star
09. Chaos Star


Rise Of The Phoenix 2012

Before The Dawn 55066_before_the_dawn_rise_of_the_phoenix

1. Exordium (1:27)
2. Pitch-Black Universe (4:43)
3. Phoenix Rising (4:43)
4. Cross To Bear (3:29)
5. Throne Of Ice (6:31)
6. Perfect Storm (4:42)
7. Fallen World (4:22)
8. Eclipse (5:39)
9. Closure (3:43)


Deathstar Rising 2011

Before The Dawn 35089_before_the_dawn_deathstar_rising

1. The First Snow (1:20)
2. Winter Within (4:32)
3. Deathstar (3:31)
4. Remembrance (3:38)
5. Unbroken (4:40)
6. Judgement (4:20)
7. The Wake (5:07)
8. Sanctuary (4:52)
9. Butterfly Effect (3:53)
10. Wreith (5:16)


Soundscape of Silence 2008

Before The Dawn 22485_before_the_dawn_soundscape_of_silence

1. Dying Sun (3:11)
2. Exile (3:59)
3. Silence (3:01)
4. Dead Reflection (3:41)
5. Hide Me (3:29)
6. Fabrication (3:50)
7. Savior (3:14)
8. Monsters (4:50)
9. Cold (4:09)
10. Last Song (2:52)


Deadlight 2007

Before The Dawn 18084_before_the_dawn_deadlight

1. Wrath (4:08)
2. Faithless (3:15)
3. Fear Me (4:30)
4. Eternal (4:01)
5. Morning Sun (4:51)
6. Deadsong (3:23)
7. Guardian (4:40)
8. Star of Fire (3:17)
9. Reign of Fire (3:15)
10. ... (4:13)


The Ghost 2006

Before The Dawn 18080_before_the_dawn_the_ghost

1. Disappear (4:14)
2. Repentance (3:23)
3. Away (3:32)
4. Scar (4:28)
5. Angel's Tombstone (4:45)
6. Black Dawn (3:59)
7. Enemy (4:22)
8. Stormbringer (3:27)
9. Ghost Town (3:12)
10. ... Nowhere (5:21)


4:17 am 2004

Before The Dawn 18077_before_the_dawn_417_am

1. Heaven (4:15)
2. Seed (4:17)
3. Dreamer (3:53)
4. Fade Away (4:00)
5. Crush (5:21)
6. Into You (6:19)
7. My Room (5:17)
8. The Black (4:34)
9. Vengeance (4:19)
10. Hiding (4:32)


My Darkness 2003

Before The Dawn 18076_before_the_dawn_my_darkness

1. Intro (1:07)
2. Unbreakable (3:29)
3. Seraphim (3:20)
4. My Darkness (4:16)
5. Take My Pain (4:06)
6. Father and Son (4:19)
7. Alone (3:54)
8. Angel (2:45)
9. Undone (4:04)
10. Human Hatred (3:54)
11. 04:16 am (4:17)


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