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 Ancestors Blood

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metal head
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metal head

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PostSubject: Ancestors Blood   Ancestors Blood Icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 9:52 am

Ancestors Blood - Hyperborea (2016)

Ancestors Blood 547239

1. Descension 05:14
2. The Way Of The Spirits 08:14
3. Autumn (Metsäpirtti Part II) 07:16
4. Elegies 06:13
5. Hyperborea 03:50
6. Rite Of Passage 10:00
7. Funeral Rite 07:08
8. Ascension 04:04


Ancestors Blood - A Moment Of Clarity (2013)

1. Intro 03:08
2. Legend Of The Horizon 12:18
3. Ancestors Blood (Part II) 04:03
4. From the ruins… 05:27
5. A Moment Of Clarity 02:54
6. Ritual Of The Sacred Dance 07:54
7. Puu Iänikuinen 05:58
8. Outro 04:14


Ancestors Blood - Return Of The Ancient Ones (2008)

Ancestors Blood 192426

1. Intro
2. To War and Glory
3. Wisdom Opens The Gates For The King
4. Annihilation of Christianity
5. Shades of Life
6. Ukko
7. Fatherland
8. Reign of Terror
9. Rise of the Spirits of Ancient Heroes & Outro


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