...The Grand Aversion... 202001. Obtestatio
02. Distentio
03. Odium
04. Detractatio
05. Source Doloris
06. Fastidium
07. Lux et Umbra
08. Murmur
09. Seditio
10. Aequamentum
11. Corona
12. Non Omnis Moriar
13. Rex Vulnere
14. Anastasis
...of Harm and Salvation 201801. Desiderium
02. Depugnare
03. Oblivio
04. Abominaris
05. Progressus
06. Profunditas
07. Renuntiatio
08. Alteramentum
For We Are the Plague 202301. Antimundane
02. And I Die Alone
03. The Growing
04. With One Voice
05. Death Is Recognition
06. Ghost of the Spaceless Void
07. For We Are the Plague
08. Ruins in Triumph
09. I Am the Tomb
Wound of Gods 202201. Eternity Denied
02. Dying Immortality
03. Wound of Gods
04. A Fool's Joy
05. Dreams Die
06. Of Hanged Mankind
07. So Close
08. Invisible Retaliation
09. Defiled Yet Bright
The Sick Is Dead - Long Live the Sick 202101. My Soul, Old
02. Nekrolife
03. The Sick Is Dead
04. Long Live the Sick
05. Gottkomplex
06. Is This Your Inheritance?
07. The Ultimate Rejection
08. Life's Work
09. Death's Work
10. Final Stage
...Still... (2015)1. Demutatio 08:12
2. Agnitio 01:48
3. Inexistentia 18:06
4. Asperitas 07:43
5. Abdico 01:36
6. Discrepantia 08:22
7. Circuitus 02:52
8. Semivivus 15:57
9. Evigilantem 07:52