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Posts : 1436
Join date : 2024-07-07

Konkhra Empty
PostSubject: Konkhra   Konkhra Icon_minitimeFri Nov 29, 2024 9:31 am

Konkhra - Sad Plight Of Lucifer (2024)

Konkhra 176699-Konkhra-Sad-Plight-of-Lucifer

1. Sad Plight of Lucifer
2. Revolution
3. Seven Plagues
4. Nothing Can Save You
5. The Lesser Key of Solomon
6. August.6 1945
7. Artificial Sun
8. Magic
9. Resurrection Machine
10. Gates of Paradise
11. Tentacles of Madness

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Posts : 1436
Join date : 2024-07-07

Konkhra Empty
PostSubject: Re: Konkhra   Konkhra Icon_minitimeFri Nov 29, 2024 9:46 am

Sexual Affective Disorder (1993)

Konkhra Konkhra-sexual-affective-disorder

1. Center of the Flesh (4:18)
2. Seasonal Affective Disorder (5:09)
3. The Dying Art (4:43)
4. Visually Intact (4:09)
5. Evilution (Exordium Expired) (3:47)
6. Lucid Dreams (3:43)
7. Blindfolded (5:24)
8. Thoughts Abandonned (4:32)
9. Chaos to Climb (2:55)
10. Empty Frames (5:10)

Spit Or Swallow (1995)

Konkhra Konkhra-spit-or-swallow

1. Centuries (5:14)
2. Spit or Swallow (3:24)
3. Life Eraser (5:29)
4. Hail the Body, Burden the Spirit (4:08)
5. Hooked (4:10)
6. Facelift (4:55)
7. Scorn of the Earth (3:58)
8. Subconscience (4:46)
9. Necrosphere (2:37)
10. Hold Another Level (3:11)

Weed Out Of Weak (1997)

Konkhra Konkhra-weed-out-the-weak-20240730014921

1. Heavensent (3:37)
2. Time Will Heal (3:50)
3. Crown of the Empire (4:31)
4. Kinshasa Highway (1:27)
5. Through My Veins (4:17)
6. The Reckoning (4:43)
7. Misery (4:19)
8. Backstabber (4:06)
9. Melting (3:55)
10. Inhuman (4:58)
11. Pain and Sorrow (2:00)
12. My Belief (5:36)

Come Down Cold (1999)

Konkhra Konkhra-come-down-cold-20240616013928

01. Godgiven
02. White
03. Lost To The World
04. Divide And Conquer
05. Truly Defiled
06. Gold
07. Sight For Sore Eyes
08. Back In The Day
09. Convene The Freaks
10. Blessed
11. Life Is Fragile
12. Procreation

Reality Check (2003)

Konkhra Konkhra-reality-check-20240616014124

01. Warmonger
02. The Lions Are Hungry
03. Reality Check
04. Eye Of Horus
05. Hellhound On My Trail
06. Fear Of God
07. The Coming Of (R)Age
08. Grapes Of Wrath
09. Parasite
10. Day Of The Dog
11. Lowlife
12. The Blackest Of Dawns

Nothing Is Sacred (2009)

Konkhra Konkhra-nothing-is-sacred-20240729014042

01. Prelude To Perversion
02. Hail To The King
03. Religion Is A Whore
04. Breathe The Fear
05. Killswitch
06. Nothing Is Sacred
07. Legacy Of Truth
08. Sufficient To Sicken
09. The Race
10. I Defy
11. The Promise Of Antagonism

Alpha And The Omega (2019)

Konkhra 133667-Konkhra-Alpha-and-the-Omega

01. Alpha And The Omega
02. Thoth
03. Divine Wind
04. Babylon
05. Bow To Moloch
06. Blood Reign
07. Floodgates
08. Sandblasted
09. Misled
10. By Instinct Be Driven
11. Darkest Millenium
12. I Am Ra
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