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 Ancestors Blood

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metal head
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metal head

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PostSubject: Ancestors Blood   Ancestors Blood Icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 10:07 am

Ancestors Blood - Wisdom Opens The Gates For The King [demo] (2003)

Ancestors Blood 72368

1. Entrance to the Underworld 05:20
2. Wisdom Opens the Gates for the King 02:42
3. Ravens of the Devoted 04:00
4. Emblems and Trophies 04:06


Ancestors Blood - Preparing For War [demo] (2005)

Ancestors Blood 77128

1. Prelude
2. Declaration of War
3. Ancestors Blood
4. Annihilation of Christianity
5. Prologue


Ancestors Blood - Forgotten Times [demo] (2007)

Ancestors Blood 143824

1. Prelude
2. Screams of War
3. Ukko
4. Interlude (Pohjola)
5. God of Evil and Lord of Demons
6. Rise of the Spirits of Ancient Heroes/Outroduction


Ancestors Blood - When The Forest Calls [ep] (2009)

Ancestors Blood 244309

1. Intro 01:12
2. When The Forest Calls 04:54
3. Reborn Spirit In A New Flesh 05:12
4. Metsдpirtti (Part I) 06:59
5. A Dark Passage From The Past 07:44
6. Day Of Victory / Outro 04:48

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