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 Wömit Angel

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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1201
Join date : 2024-07-07

Wömit Angel  Empty
PostSubject: Wömit Angel    Wömit Angel  Icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 10:38 am

Wömit Angel "Sadopunk Finland" (2022)

Wömit Angel  1025667

1. Retributator
2. Crushing Suffering
3. Heretic
4. Stürm-Battalion
5. Lured into Red
6. Mouth of Darkness
7. Total Ordeal
8. Warhead Evocation
9. The Grey Mother


Wömit Angel - Under Sadistic Pressure (2019)

Wömit Angel  788844

01. Religion Latex Suffocate
02. Slaughterburster
03. Paindomain
04. Doom to the Known World
05. Impaled in the Name of Grotesque Triumph
06. Diabolical Aftermateria
07. Sadocommand
08. Flesh Necrotic Lunacy
09. Ominous Bloodletting Ritual
10. Under Sadistic Pressure


Wömit Angel "Impaling Force Of Satan" (2017)

Wömit Angel  634004

1. Planetary Destruction
2. Forgotten Name Of Evil
3. Armageddon Wolfpack
4. Ceremonial Coffin. Ceremonial Death
5. Nun Raping Rock N' Roll
6. Impaling Force Of Satan
7. Goat Hellfire
8. Possessed Misery
9. Mr. Barbie
10. Rat Mouth Saviour
11. Raping The Holy, Pt. 2
12. I Kill Everything I Fuck


Wömit Angel "Holy Goatse" (2014)

Wömit Angel  443395

1. Serpent Cauda
2. Skin 'n' Fuck
3. Necrofilian Kutsu
4. Nailgun Crucified
5. Summoning the Spirits of Agony (Through Self-Fatality)
6. I Come With a Murder
7. Witchhammer
8. Holy Goatse
9. Terveet Kädet Medley/Tornion Kevät/Pissaa Ja Paskaa


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