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metal head
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Join date : 2024-07-07

Be'lakor Empty
PostSubject: Be'lakor   Be'lakor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2024 7:26 pm

Stone's Reach (2009)

Be'lakor 24032-Belakor-Stones-Reach

1. Venator 08:37
2. From Scythe to Sceptre 06:58
3. Outlive the Hand 08:39
4. Sun's Delusion 09:09
5. Held in Hollows 07:24
6. Husks 02:48
7. Aspect 05:52
8. Countless Skies 10:00


Of Breath And Bone (2012)

Be'lakor 56556-Belakor-Of-Breath-and-Bone

1. Abeyance 08:05
2. Remnants 06:14
3. Fraught 06:46
4. Absit Omen 06:06
5. To Stir the Sea 01:29
6. In Parting 09:21
7. The Dream and the Waking 09:17
8. By Moon and Star 08:59


Vessels (2016) flac

Be'lakor 91878-Belakor-Vessels

01. Luma (1:59)
02. An Ember's Arc (8:28)
03. Withering Strands (10:56)
04. Roots to Sever (7:05)
05. Whelm (7:19)
06. A Thread Dissolves (2:58)
07. Grasping Light (6:51)
08. The Smoke of Many Fires (9:29)


Coherence (2021)

Be'lakor 150861-Belakor-Coherence

01. Locus (10:49)
02. The Dispersion (01:53)
03. Foothold (07:19)
04. Valence (09:10)
05. Sweep of Days (05:17)
06. Hidden Window (08:24)
07. Indelible (04:59)
08. Much More Was Lost (12:11)


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