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Asgaard Empty
PostSubject: Asgaard   Asgaard Icon_minitimeSun Dec 01, 2024 2:09 am

When The Twilight Set In Again (1998)

Asgaard 29349_asgaard_when_the_twilight_set_in_again

1. Legend Of Passing
2. The Sirens
3. 1168
4. When The Twilight Set In Again
5. Mournful Suite Of Dreams
6. Night Of Desire
7. Nameless Land Of Streams

Ad Sidera, Ad Infinitum (2000)

Asgaard 29350_asgaard_ad_sidera_ad_infinitum

1. Sadness of Stony Angel (Imm Ensum Reliquus Tollor In Aethera)
2. The Way of the Secret Rapture (Pati Natae)
3. Mon Ange (Per Aspera Ad Astra)
4. Love... Blood... & Eternity (Irreme Abilis Unda)
5. I've Brought a Flower for You... For Us (Moriar... Sic Astra Volunt)
6. ... about Love (Iniuria Solvit A Morem)
7. Let Me Die... (Funeris Audit Supremum Vale)

Ex Oriente Lux (2001)

Asgaard 29351_asgaard_ex_oriente_lux

1.Aegri Somnia (1:29)
2.Primus In Orbe Deos Fecit Timo (4:30)
3.Carpite Florem (5:15)
4.Cogitemus Corpus Esse Mortale (0:36)
5.Manibus Date Lilia Plenis (4:28)
6.Habent Sua Fata Imagines (1:00)
7.In Articulo Mortis (2:45)
8.Quem Di Diligunt, Adulescens Moritur (3:21)
9.Etiam Perire Ruinae (0:32)

XIII Voltum Lunae (2002)

Asgaard 29354_asgaard_eyemdx_tasy

1. Mare Nectapis 05:14
2. Mare Crisium 05:36
3. Mare Tranquillitatis 05:16
4. Mare Frigoris 05:03
5. Shin 01:15
6. Mare Procellarum 06:23
7. Aleph 01:37
8. Mare Nubium 07:09
9. Lamed 01:15
10. Mare Serenitatis 07:55

EyeMDX-Tasy (2004)

Asgaard 29354_asgaard_eyemdx_tasy

1. OriEnthral
2. Lunatic Asylum
3. Eyes ov Thy Soul
4. Mystery ov Tzar's Visionaire Act I
5. Mystery ov Tzar's Visionaire Act II
6. Infernal Mask Ceremony
7. The Grievance Enigma
8. I Am The Ecstas

Stairs To Nowhere (2012)

Asgaard 55929_asgaard_stairs_to_nowhere

01. Labyrinth 06:15
02. Of Pawn And King 03:48
03. God Of The 3rd Millennium 04:06
04. Irradiance 03:57
05. Marionettes 06:33
06. Stairs To Nowhere 04:48
07. Cry Of Moribund Butterflies 04:39
08. Within The Eyes Of Angels 06:03

What If (2022)

Asgaard 138857

01. Sisyphus
02. Creeping Miss Lunacy
03. Sny Na Jawie
04. Horizon Upside Down
05. What If…
06. Blind Man's Buff
07. W Sercu Nieswiata
08. Not Ever Again!
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