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Varathron Empty
PostSubject: Varathron   Varathron Icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 3:51 pm

Varathron - The Confessional Of The Black Penitents [EP] 2015

Varathron 91960-varathron-the-confessional-of-the-black-penitents

1. The Confessional of the Black Penitents 03:34
2. Sinister Recollections 07:16
3. Utter Blackness 07:50
4. Unholy Funeral (live) 03:33
5. Cassiopeia's Ode (live) 06:25
6. Descent of a Prophetic Vision (live) 03:18
7. Kabalistic Invocation of Solomon (live) 08:12


Varathron - The Lament Of Gods [EP] 1999

Varathron 17246_varathron_the_lament_of_gods

1. Fire Spell / Forbidden Lust 07:08
2. Warrior's Nightmare 04:44
3. The World Through Ancient Eyes 04:37
4. Beyond the Grave 04:57
5. Nuns Have No Fun (Mercyful Fate cover) 04:37


Varathron - One Step Beyond Dreams [EP] 1991

Varathron 17238_varathron_one_step_beyond_dreams

1. Descent of a Prophetic Vision 03:17
2. Genesis of Apocryphal Desire 03:03


Varathron - Genesis Of Apocryphal Desire [Demo] 1991

Varathron 17239_varathron_genesis_of_apocryphal_desire

1. La reine noir 06:17
2. Genesis of apocryphal desire 03:14
3. The tressrising of nyarlathotep 07:23
4. Seven endless horizones 03:33
5. Journey beyond 00:34

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