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metal head
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metal head

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Join date : 2024-07-07

Draugnim Empty
PostSubject: Draugnim   Draugnim Icon_minitimeMon Jul 08, 2024 8:04 am

Draugnim - Verum Malum (2024)

Draugnim 1229403

1.Traitor's Crown 08:50
2.Ver Sacrum 07:40
3.Salt The Earth 07:46
4.Lifescorn 05:58
5.Aeons 09:14
6.Deeds Of Strife 09:40


Draugnim - Vulturine (2016)

Draugnim 557629

01. That Name Is Hate 07:43
02. As In Hunger, So In Demise 07:47
03. A Passage In Fire 06:31
04. Grief Unsung 08:04
05. Drums Of Black Death 07:03
06. Serpent Stone 08:46


Draugnim - Horizons Low (2010)

Draugnim 283313

1. The Last Of Kin 6:01
2. Fear And Fey 7:28
3. One Of Lost 5:55
4. Shunned Wanderer 5:32
5. Cursed The One 8:11
6. The Weeper's Way 6:44
7. Bastion 10:20


Draugnim - Northwind's Ire (2008)

Draugnim 205837

1. Draugnim - Moonpath (6:42)
2. Draugnim - Craionhorn (6:39)
3. Draugnim - Feast of the Fallen (5:03)
4. Draugnim - Towards the Dusk (6:34)
5. Draugnim - Will Dawn rise again (6:42)
6. Draugnim - Sworn to Waves (6:35)
7. Draugnim - Archein (6:47)

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