TRIUMVIRATE 20191.Deus Ex Machina 04:27
2.The Endurance 05:53
3.The Proposition 07:41
4.Iteration One: Messianic Synthetic 05:09
5.Iteration Two: Infernal Automaton 06:06
6.Iteration three: Anopheli 05:33
7.Ancestor Descendent 06:07
8.Ouroboros 09:52
Construct 201701. Lamenting Conjuration
02. Birth of Ire
03. Property?
04. The Negotiation
05. Scorched Earth Policy
06. The Reconstruction
07. Mysterium Cosmographicum
08. Witch Finder
09. An Epiphany
10. The Theosophical Digressions of Artificial Intelligence
Archivist 201501. Ascension 09:21
02. Escape Velocity 06:05
03. Dreaming Under 06:58
04. Leaving Day 07:53
05. Hades 09:19
06. Tying Up Loose Ends In The Cold Void Of Space 09:34
07. Eureka 08:01
08. 4,500 07:56