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Gigan Empty
PostSubject: Gigan   Gigan Icon_minitimeMon Dec 23, 2024 3:00 pm

Anomalous Abstractigate Infinitessimus 2024

Gigan 176048-Gigan-Anomalous-Abstractigate-Infinitessimus

01. Trans-Dimensional Crossing of the Alta-Tenuis
02. Ultra-Violet Shimmer and Permeating Infra-sound
03. Square Wave Subversion
04. Emerging Sects of Dagonic Acolytes
05. Katabatic Windswept Landscapes
06. Erratic Pulsitivity and Horror
07. The Strange Harvest of the Baganoids
08. Ominous Silhouettes Cast Across Gulfs of Time


Undulating Waves Of Rainbiotic Iridescence (2017)

Gigan 113800-gigan-undulating-waves-of-rainbiotic-iridescence

1. Wade Forward Through Matter and Backwards Through Time 10:11
2. Elemental Transmography 04:12
3. Plume of Ink Within a Vacuum 05:14
4. Ocular Wavelengths' Floral Obstructions 08:05
5. Hideous Wailing of the Ronowen During Nightshade 05:45
6. Hyperjump-Ritual Madness 05:13
7. Clockwork with Thunderous Hooves 06:42
8. In Between, Throughout Form and Void 10:06


Multi-Dimensional Fractal-Sorcery And Super Science 2013

Gigan 69647_gigan_multi_dimensional_fractal_sorcery_and_super_science

01. Beneath the Sea of Tranquility
02. Influence Through Ritualistic Projection
03. Electro-Stimulated Hallucinatory Response
04. Mother of Toads
05. Obsidian Sun
06. Cosmic Triangular Communications
07. Gibbering Hordes of Zemiath
08. Bio-Engineered Molecular Abnormalities


Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes (2011)

Gigan 40938_gigan_quasi_hallucinogenic_sonic_landscapes

1. Mountains Perched Like Beasts Awaiting the Attack 07:36
2. Suspended in Cubes of Torment 04:01
3. The Raven and the Crow 06:10
4. In the Tentacled Grasp of a Buried Behemoth 04:01
5. Transmogrification into Bio-Luminoid 07:15
6. Skeletons of Steel, Timber and Blackened Granite 04:35
7. Vespelmadeen Terror 03:55
8. Fathomless Echoes of Eternity's Imagination 08:05


The Order Of The False Eye (2008)

Gigan 40937_gigan_the_order_of_the_false_eye

1.Undead Auditory Emanations 03:40
2.Occult Rites of the Uumpluuy 04:15
3.Still Image Symphomy 04:24
4.Imprisoned Within Duality 04:28
5.Hiding Behind the House of Mirrors 08:06
6.Chrysalis 03:22
7.Interstellar Inversion if Consciousness 04:12
8.Space COffin Hallucinations 06:07


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