Obscure Sphinx - Epitaphs (2016)1. Nothing Left 12:10
2. Memories of Falling Down 12:14
3. Nieprawota 07:35
4. Memorare 08:39
5. Sepulchre 05:43
6. At the Mouth of the Sounding Sea 10:04
Obscure Sphinx - Anaesthetic Inhalation Ritual (2011)1 AIR 04:39
2 Nastiez 11:29
3 Eternity 10:07
4 Intermission 02:03
5 Bleed In Me (Pt 1) 04:10
6 Bleed In Me (Pt 2) 08:17
7 Paragnomen 10:11
Obscure Sphinx - Void Mother (2013)1. Lunar Caustic 7:52
2. Velorio 2:38
3. Waiting for the Bodies Down the River Floating 11:12
4. Feverish 7:35
5. Nasciturus 9:31
6. Meredith 2:29
7. Decimation 7:11
8. Void 3:37
9. The Presence of Goddess 15:33