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Graveland Empty
PostSubject: Graveland   Graveland Icon_minitimeSun Jan 12, 2025 12:28 am

Hour Of Ragnarok 2021

Graveland 149638-Graveland-Hour-of-Ragnarok

01. The Wolf of Twilight
02. Hour of Ragnarok
03. Conspiracy of the Wizards
04. Children of Hyperborea
05. Following the Azure Light
06. The Three Gifts of the Gods
07. Enlighted by the Wisdom of Runes
08. River of Tears


Świt Stalowych Ostrzy (2018)

Graveland 149637-Graveland-Dawn-of-Iron-Blades

1. Stal Utopiona We Mgle 08:46
2. Semper Fidelis 09:26
3. Nieśmiertelna Krew 07:28
4 . Od Rubikonu 07:04
5. Odchodząc W Chwale 06:05
6. U Boku Walkirii 08:50


1050 Years Of Pagan Cult (2016)

Graveland 107693-graveland-1050-years-of-pagan-cult

01. The Night Of Fullmoon
02. At The Pagan Samhain Night
03. Born For War
04. The Gates Of Kingdom Of Darkness
05. Hordes Of Empire
06. Thurisaz
07. For Pagan and Heretic's Blood
08. Thousand Swords
09. Black Metal War!


The Fire of Awakening 2014

Graveland 77962_graveland_ogie_przebudzenia

1. We Will Rise Again
2. Battle of the Wolves of Wotan
3. In the Sea of ​​Blood
4. To Die for Freedom
5. Four Wings of the Sun


Thunderbolts of the Gods 2013

Graveland 65189_graveland_thunderbolts_of_the_gods

1. Possessed by Steel
2. Thunderbolts of the Gods
3. Chamber of Wicked Tears
4. Wolf of the North
5. Red Polaris
6. When Hammer Shines (Outro)


Memory and Destiny 2012

Graveland 65187_graveland_pami_i_przeznaczenie

01. Fate of Warrior
02. Jewel of Atlanteans
03. Memory and Destiny
04. Legion of Giants
05. Runes of Rise


Spears of Heaven 2009

Graveland 23622_graveland_spears_of_heaven

1. Spears of Heaven (8:20)
2. Walls of the Red Temple (7:50)
3. Flame of Doom (7:38)
4. Braid of a Pride Valkyria (6:48)
5. When Valkyries Come (5:49)
6. Sun Wind (7:24)
7. Return to the Northern Carpathian (10:44)


Will Stronger Than Death 2007

Graveland 7353_graveland_will_stronger_than_death

1. Fire Dragon of Black Sun (8:07)
2. Throne of the Granite (8:07)
3. Battle of the Giants (9:04)
4. Fire and Snow (7:01)
5. Apocalypto (7:47)
6. Victoria Divina (5:55)
7. Shadows of the Past (8:28)


Fire Chariot of Destruction 2005

Graveland 5418_graveland_fire_chariot_of_destruction

1. War Wolf (10:18)
2. River of Tears (7:24)
3. Fire Chariot of Destruction (6:35)
4. Flaming Wrathful Hate (7:38)
5. Creator and Destroyer (6:56)
6. Prayer For My Ancestors (8:06)
7. Dance of Axes and Swords (7:00)
8. Motherland (6:47)


Dawn of Iron Blades 2004

Graveland 5417_graveland_dawn_of_iron_blades

1. Iron in the Fog (9:29)
2. Semper Fidelix (9:29)
3. Immortal Bloodline (7:26)
4. To the North of Rubicon (7:41)
5. Crown Heroic My Departure (6:09)
6. While I Ride With the Valkyries (11:20)


The Fire of Awakening 2003

Graveland 5416_graveland_the_fire_of_awakening

1. We Shall Prevail (9:53)
2. Battle of Wotan's Wolves (8:40)
3. In the Sea of Blood (7:29)
4. Die for Freedom (10:45)
5. The Four Wings of the Sun (10:03)


Memory and Destiny 2002

Graveland 5415_graveland_memory_and_destiny

1. Fate of Warrior (8:50)
2. Jewel of Atlanteans (9:45)
3. Memory and Destiny (10:18)
4. Legion of Giants (9:35)
5. Runes of Rise (9:38)


Prawo stali 2000 (Re-2011)

Graveland 149635-Graveland-Prawo-stali

1. Krew I Popiół
2. Tyrani Okrucieństw
3. Nie Ma Miłosierdzia W Moim Sercu
4. Starożytna Krew
5. Białe Bestie Swaroga


Creed of Iron 2000

Graveland 5412_graveland_creed_of_iron

1. Blood and Ash (2:34)
2. Tyrants of Cruelty (10:32)
3. No Mercy in My Heart (9:31)
4. Ancient Blood (11:26)
5. White Beasts of Wotan (10:45)


Immortal Pride 1998

Graveland 5410_graveland_immortal_pride

1. Intro (Day of Fury) (3:21)
2. Sons of Fire and Steel / Outro (Servants of War) (23:39)
3. Sacrifice for Honour (16:25)
4. Outro (To Die in Glory) (7:00)


Following the Voice of Blood 1997

Graveland 5409_graveland_following_the_voice_of_blood

1. Intro (2:59)
2. White Hand's Power (8:33)
3. Thurisaz (8:49)
4. Following the Voice of Blood (9:05)
5. Forge of Souls (2:31)
6. Raise the Swords (12:13)
7. And the Horn Was Sounding Far Away (11:56)
8. Fed by the Beasts (9:29)
9. Outro (2:34)


Thousand Swords 1995

Graveland 5407_graveland_thousand_swords

1. Intro (1:34)
2. Blood of Christians on My Sword (8:03)
3. Thousand Swords (6:29)
4. The Dark Battlefield (7:56)
5. The Time of Revenge (4:49)
6. Born for War (8:29)
7. Black Metal War (1:38)
8. To Die in Fight (5:41)
9. Outro (1:58)


Carpathian Wolves 1994

Graveland 5405_graveland_carpathian_wolves

1. Carpathian Wolves (Intro) (3:36)
2. Barbarism Returns (5:14)
3. Untitled (1:02)
4. In the Northern Carpathians (5:10)
5. Impaler of Wallachia (8:54)
6. Witches Holocaust (7:38)
7. At the Pagan Samhain Night (8:12)
8. Unpunished Herd / Into the War (Outro) (7:20)


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