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Agalloch Empty
PostSubject: Agalloch   Agalloch Icon_minitimeSun Jul 14, 2024 12:19 am

Pale Folklore (1999)

Agalloch 2120

1. She Painted Fire Across the Skyline, Part 1 (8:35)
2. She Painted Fire Across the Skyline, Part 2 (3:09)
3. She Painted Fire Across the Skyline, Part 3 (7:09)
4. The Misshapen Steed (4:54)
5. Hallways of Enchanted Ebony (9:59)
6. Dead Winter Days (7:51)
7. As Embers Dress the Sky (8:04)
8. The Melancholy Spirit (12:24)

The Mantle (2002)

Agalloch 2122

1. A Celebration for the Death of Man... (2:24)
2. In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion (14:45)
3. Odal (7:39)
4. I Am the Wooden Doors (6:11)
5. The Lodge (4:40)
6. You Were but a Ghost in My Arms (9:14)
7. The Hawthorne Passage (11:18)
8. ...and the Great Cold Death of the Earth (7:14)
9. A Desolation Song (5:08)


Ashes Against The Grain (2005)

Agalloch 5159

1. Limbs (9:51)
2. Falling Snow (9:38)
3. This White Mountain on Which You Will Die (1:39)
4. Fire Above, Ice Below (10:29)
5. Not Unlike the Waves (9:16)
6. Our Fortress Is Burning... I (5:25)
7. Our Fortress Is Burning... II: Bloodbirds (6:21)
8. Our Fortress Is Burning... III: The Grain (7:10)


Marrow Of The Spirit (2010)

Agalloch 26835

1. They Escaped the Weight of the Darkness (3:41)
2. Into the Painted Grey (12:25)
3. The Watcher's Monolith (11:46)
4. Black Lake Nidstang (17:34)
5. Ghosts of the Midwinter Fires (9:40)
6. To Drown (10:27)


The Serpent And The Sphere (2014)

Agalloch 75419

1. Birth and Death of the Pillars of Creation (10:30)
2. (Serpens Caput) (3:08)
3. The Astral Dialogue (5:13)
4. Dark Matter Gods (8:38)
5. Celestial Effigy (6:59)
6. Cor Serpentis (The Sphere) (3:00)
7. Vales Beyond Dimension (6:50)
8. Plateau of the Ages (12:28)
9. (Serpens Cauda) (3:12)


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