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 Ghost Brigade

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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1562
Join date : 2024-07-07

Ghost Brigade Empty
PostSubject: Ghost Brigade   Ghost Brigade Icon_minitimeSun Jul 14, 2024 4:22 am

Guided By Fire (2007)

Ghost Brigade Ghost-brigade-guided-by-fire

1. Rails at the River (04:48)
2. Hold on Thin Line (04:10)
3. Horns (03:52)
4. Minus Side (04:10)
5. Away and Here (04:09)
6. Along the Barriers (03:29)
7. Based on You (04:15)
8. Disgusted by the Light (04:32)
9. Autoemotive (06:15)
10. Deliberately (05:08)


Isolation Songs (2009)

Ghost Brigade Ghost-brigade-isolation-songs

1. Suffocated (05:28)
2. My Heart Is a Tomb (04:27)
3. Into the Black Light (05:27)
4. Lost in a Loop (05:03)
5. 22:22 - Nihil (05:48)
6. Architect of New Beginnings (04:32)
7. Birth (09:01)
8. Concealed Revulsions (05:30)
9. Secrets of the Earth (05:04)
10. A Storm Inside (06:20)


Until Fear No Longer Defines Us (2011)

Ghost Brigade Ghost-brigade-until-fear-no-longer-defines-us

1. In the Woods (04:17)
2. Clawmaster (06:34)
3. Chamber (06:39)
4. Traces of Liberty (04:01)
5. Divine Act of Lunacy (05:02)
6. Grain (05:26)
7. Breakwater (08:51)
8. Cult of Decay (04:46)
9. Torn (04:44)
10. Soulcarvers (07:53)


IV - One With The Storm (2014)

Ghost Brigade Ghost-brigade-iv-one-with-the-storm-20150113125302

1. Wretched Blues (06:19)
2. Departures (04:58)
3. Aurora (06:56)
4. Disembodied Voices (05:36)
5. Electra Complex (10:34)
6. Stones and Pillars (04:47)
7. Anchored (05:38)
8. The Knife (06:19)
9. Long Way to the Graves (07:39)
10. Elämä on tulta (07:22)


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