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Behemoth Empty
PostSubject: Behemoth   Behemoth Icon_minitimeSun Jul 14, 2024 9:13 am

Endless Damnation (1992 - Demo)

Behemoth 14693_behemoth_endless_damnation

1. Into the Black Mass (1:09)
2. Cursed Angel of Doom (3:25)
3. Eternal Blasphemy (4:35)
4. Temple of Evil (4:16)
5. Ceremony in Chapel (4:08)
6. First Embody Remains (3:17)
7. Endless Damnation (1:15)


The Return Of The Northern Moon (1992- Demo)

Behemoth 14694_behemoth_the_return_of_the_northern_moon


And The Forests Dream Eternally (1995 - EP)

Behemoth 14696_behemoth_and_the_forests_dream_eternally

1. Transylvanian Forest (5:34)
2. Moonspell Rites (6:00)
3. Sventevith Storming Near the Baltic (Version '94) (5:58)
4. Pure Evil and Hate (3:07)
5. Forgotten Empire of Dark Witchcraft (4:11)
6. With Spell of Inferno (Mefisto) (4:38)
7. Hidden in the Fog (5:12)
8. Sventevith Storming Near the Baltic (Version '97) (5:14)


From The Pagan Vastlands (1994 - Demo)

Behemoth 14695_behemoth_from_the_pagan_vastlands

1. From Hornedlands to Lindisfarne (5:59)
2. Thy Winter Kingdom (5:20)
3. Summoning (of the Ancient Ones) (4:58)
4. The Dance of the Pagan Flames (4:02)
5. Blackvisions of the Almighty (4:53)
6. Fields of Haar-Meggido (6:38)
7. Deathcrush (Mayhem cover) (3:22)


Antichristian Phenomenon (2000 - EP)

Behemoth 14701_behemoth_antichristian_phenomenon

1. Antichristian Phenomenon (4:38)
2. Malice (2:24)
3. Satanas (Sarcófago cover) (2:06)


Conjuration (2003 - EP)

Behemoth 14702_behemoth_conjuration

1. Conjuration ov Sleep Daemons (3:24)
2. Wish (Nine Inch Nails cover) (3:37)
3. Welcome to Hell (Venom Cover (3:15)
4. Christians to the Lions (live) (3:49)
5. Decade of Therion (live) (3:47)
6. Antichristian Phenomenon (live) (5:03)
7. Chant for Eschaton 2000 (live) (6:45)


Slaves Shall Serve (2005 - EP)

Behemoth 14704_behemoth_slaves_shall_serve

1. Slaves Shall Serve (3:05)
2. Entering the Pylon ov Light (3:42)
3. Penetration (3:10)
4. Until You Call on the Dark (4:26)
5. Demigod (live) (3:22)
6. Slaves Shall Serve (live) (3:29)


Bewitching The Pomerania [ep] (1997)

Behemoth 14698_behemoth_bewitching_the_pomerania

1. With Spell Of Inferno (Mefisto)
2. Hidden In The Fog
3. Sventevith (Storming Near The Baltic)


Ezkaton [ep] (2008)

Behemoth 22467_behemoth_ezkaton

1. Chant For Ezkaton 2000 e.v. 05:12
2. Qadosh 04:58
3. Jama Pekel (Master's Hammer Cover) 03:59
4. I'm Not Jesus (Ramones Cover) 02:41
5. From The Pagan Vastlands (Live) 03:02
6. Decade Ov Therion (Live) 02:56
7. Chant For Ezkaton 2000 e.v. (Live) 05:08

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