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Cathedral Empty
PostSubject: Cathedral   Cathedral Icon_minitimeSun Jul 14, 2024 9:38 am

Forest Of Equilibrium (1991)

Cathedral Cathedral-forest-of-equilibrium

1. Picture of Beauty & Innocence (intro) / Comiserating the Celebration (11:17)
2. Ebony Tears (7:47)
3. Serpent Eve (7:41)
4. Soul Sacrifice (2:54)
5. A Funeral Request (9:18)
6. Equilibrium (6:08)
7. Reaching Happiness, Touching Pain (9:09)


The Ethereal Mirror (1993)

Cathedral Cathedral-the-ethereal-mirror

1. Violet Vortex (Intro) (1:55)
2. Ride (4:47)
3. Enter the Worms (6:05)
4. Midnight Mountain (4:55)
5. Fountain of Innocence (7:13)
6. Grim Luxuria (4:46)
7. Jaded Entity (7:53)
8. Ashes You Leave (6:22)
9. Phantasmagoria (8:44)
10. Imprisoned in Flesh (1:46)


The Carnival Bizarre (1995)

Cathedral Cathedral-the-carnival-bizarre-20180207142551

1. Vampire Sun (4:06)
2. Hopkins (The Witchfinder General) (5:19)
3. Utopian Blaster (5:41)
4. Night of the Seagulls (7:01)
5. Carnival Bizarre (8:36)
6. Inertias' Cave (6:39)
7. Fangalactic Supergoria (5:55)
8. Blue Light (3:27)
9. Palace of Fallen Majesty (7:44)
10. Electric Grave (8:26)


Supernatural Birth Machine (1996)

Cathedral Cathedral-supernatural-birth-machine

1. Cybertron 71 / Eternal Countdown (intro) (1:18)
2. Urko's Conquest (4:02)
3. Stained Glass Horizon (5:29)
4. Cyclops Revolution (7:07)
5. Birth Machine 2000 (8:59)
6. Nightmare Castle (6:31)
7. Fireball Demon (4:12)
8. Phaser Quest (3:42)
9. Suicide Asteroid (4:13)
10. Dragon Ryder 13 (5:52)
11. Magnetic Hole (6:32)


Caravan Beyond Redemption (1998)

Cathedral Cathedral-caravan-beyond-redemption-20170220111253

1. Voodoo Fire (6:11)
2. The Unnatural World (4:04)
3. Satanikus Robotikus (5:01)
4. Freedom (5:05)
5. Captain Clegg (6:06)
6. Earth Messiah (5:17)
7. The Caravan (3:00)
8. Revolution (7:08)
9. Kaleidoscope of Desire (4:45)
10. Heavy Load (6:08)
11. The Omega Man (5:59)
12. Dust of Paradise (14:03)


Endtyme (2001)

Cathedral Cathedral-endtyme

1. Cathedral Flames (2:00)
2. Melancholy Emperor (5:32)
3. Requiem for the Sun (6:54)
4. Whores to Oblivion (6:31)
5. Alchemist of Sorrows (7:16)
6. Ultra Earth (9:22)
7. Astral Queen (6:38)
8. Sea Serpent (5:48)
9. Templars Arise! (The Return) (13:40)
10. Gargoylian (7:46)


The VIIth Coming (2002)

Cathedral Cathedral-the-viith-coming-20170220111206

1. Phoenix Rising (3:52)
2. Resisting the Ghost (2:37)
3. Skullflower (5:44)
4. Aphrodite's Winter (5:04)
5. The Empty Mirror (8:38)
6. Nocturnal Fist (3:20)
7. Iconoclast (5:19)
8. Black Robed Avenger (6:46)
9. Congregation of Sorcerers (4:39)
10. Halo of Fire (7:21)


The Garden Of Unearthly Delights (2005)

Cathedral Cathedral-the-garden-of-unearthly-delights

1. Death AD 2005 (1:00)
2. Tree of Life & Death (4:35)
3. North Berwick Witch Trials (5:58)
4. Upon Azrael's Wings (5:37)
5. Corpsecycle (5:54)
6. Fields of Zagara (1:58)
7. Oro the Manslayer (7:29)
8. Beneath a Funeral Sun (5:20)
9. The Garden (26:58)
10. Proga-Europa (5:58)


The Guessing Game (2010)

Cathedral Cathedral-the-guessing-game

Disc One

1. Immaculate Misconception (2:24)
2. Funeral of Dreams (8:28)
3. Painting in the Dark (6:18)
4. Death of an Anarchist (7:12)
5. The Guessing Game (3:08)
6. Edwige's Eyes (7:08)
7. Cats, Incense, Candles and Wine (6:01)


Disc Two

1. One Dimensional People (2:30)
2. The Casket Chasers (6:41)
3. La Noche del Buque Maldito (aka Ghost Ship of the Blind Dead) (5:46)
4. The Running Man (8:46)
5. Requiem for the Voiceless (9:50)
6. Journey into Jade (10:36)


The Last Spire (2013)

Cathedral Cathedral-the-last-spire-20130528023023

1. Entrance to Hell (3:15)
2. Pallbearer (12:04)
3. Cathedral of the Damned (6:01)
4. Tower of Silence (7:09)
5. Infestation of Grey Death (9:22)
6. An Observation (10:42)
7. The Last Laugh (0:39) (instrumental)
8. This Body, Thy Tomb (9:07)

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