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 Fear Factory

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Fear Factory Empty
PostSubject: Fear Factory   Fear Factory Icon_minitimeSun Jul 14, 2024 10:28 am

Soul Of A New Machine (1992)

Fear Factory Fear-factory-soul-of-a-new-machine

1. Martyr (4:05)
2. Leechmaster (3:54)
3. Scapegoat (4:33)
4. Crisis (3:45)
5. Crash Test (3:46)
6. Flesh Hold (2:31)
7. Lifeblind (3:51)
8. Scumgrief (4:07)
9. Natividad (1:04)
10. Big God / Raped Souls (2:38)
11. Arise Above Oppression (1:51)
12. Self Immolation (2:46)
13. Suffer Age (3:40)
14. W.O.E. (2:33)
15. Desecrate (2:35)
16. Escape Confusion (3:58)
17. Manipulation (3:29)


Demanufacture (1995)

Fear Factory Fear-factory-demanufacture

1. Demanufacture (4:12)
2. Self Bias Resistor (5:12)
3. Zero Signal (5:56)
4. Replica (3:56)
5. New Breed (2:49)
6. Dog Day Sunrise (4:45)
7. Body Hammer (5:05)
8. Flashpoint (2:53)
9. H-K (Hunter-Killer) (5:17)
10. Pisschrist (5:25)
11. A Therapy for Pain (9:43)


Obsolete (1998)

Fear Factory Fear-factory-obsolete-20160819150956

1. Shock (4:58)
2. Edgecrusher (3:39)
3. Smasher / Devourer (5:34)
4. Securitron: Police State 2000 (5:47)
5. Descent (4:36)
6. Hi-Tech Hate (4:33)
7. Freedom or Fire (5:11)
8. Obsolete (3:51)
9. Resurrection (6:35)
10. Timelessness (4:08)


Digimortal (2001)

Fear Factory Fear-factory-digimortal

1. What Will Become? (3:23)
2. Damaged (3:02)
3. Digimortal (3:02)
4. No One (3:36)
5. Linchpin (3:25)
6. Invisible Wounds (Dark Bodies) (3:54)
7. Acres of Skin (3:55)
8. Back the Fuck Up (feat. B-Real) (3:09)
9. Byte Block (5:20)
10. Hurt Conveyor (3:40)
11. (Memory Imprints) Never End (6:50)
12. Dead Man Walking (3:16)
13. Strain vs. Resistance (3:25)
14. Repentance (2:40)
15. Full Metal Contact (2:30)


Concrete (2002)

Fear Factory Fear-factory-concrete

1. Big God / Raped Souls (2:37)
2. Arise Above Oppression (1:57)
3. Concrete (2:28)
4. Crisis (3:33)
5. Escape Confusion (4:08)
6. Sangre de Niños (2:03)
7. Soulwomb (2:33)
8. Echoes of Innocence (3:04)
9. Dragged Down by the Weight of Existence (2:42)
10. Deception (0:29)
11. Desecrate (2:38)
12. Suffer Age (3:45)
13. Anxiety (1:39)
14. Self Immolation (2:33)
15. Piss Christ (2:41)
16. Ulceration (2:43)


Archetype (2004)

Fear Factory Fear-factory-archetype

1. Slave Labor (3:53)
2. Cyberwaste (3:17)
3. Act of God (5:08)
4. Drones (5:02)
5. Archetype (4:35)
6. Corporate Cloning (4:24)
7. Bite the Hand That Bleeds (4:08)
8. Undercurrent (4:04)
9. Default Judgement (5:23)
10. Bonescraper (4:11)
11. Human Shields (5:15)
12. Ascension (7:04)
13. School (2:38)


Transgression (2005)

Fear Factory Fear-factory-transgression

1. 540,000° Fahrenheit (4:28)
2. Transgression (4:50)
3. Spinal Compression (4:12)
4. Contagion (4:38)
5. Empty Vision (4:54)
6. Echo of My Scream (6:58)
7. Supernova (4:32)
8. New Promise (5:13)
9. I Will Follow (3:42)
10. Millennium (5:25)
11. Moment of Impact (4:03)
12. Empire (3:47)


Mechanize (2010)

Fear Factory Fear-factory-mechanize

1. Mechanize (4:41)
2. Industrial Discipline (3:38)
3. Fear Campaign (4:54)
4. Powershifter (3:49)
5. Christploitation (4:58)
6. Oxidizer (3:44)
7. Controlled Demolition (4:24)
8. Designing the Enemy (4:54)
9. Metallic Division (1:30)
10. Final Exit (8:16)
11. Crash Test (3:46)


The Industrialist (2012)

Fear Factory Fear-factory-the-industrialist-20120329202136

1. The Industrialist (6:07)
2. Recharger (4:09)
3. New Messiah (4:30)
4. God Eater (5:57)
5. Depraved Mind Murder (4:43)
6. Virus of Faith (4:34)
7. Difference Engine (3:37)
8. Dissemble (4:12)
9. Religion Is Flawed Because Man Is Flawed (1:52) (instrumental)
10. Human Augmentation (9:04)


Genexus (2015)

Fear Factory Fear-factory-genexus-20150601175742

1. Autonomous Combat System (5:28)
2. Anodized (4:47)
3. Dielectric (4:19)
4. Soul Hacker (3:11)
5. Protomech (4:56)
6. Genexus (4:48)
7. Church of Execution (3:21)
8. Regenerate (4:02)
9. Battle for Utopia (4:14)
10. Expiration Date (8:48)


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