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 Symphony X

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metal head
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Symphony X Empty
PostSubject: Symphony X   Symphony X Icon_minitimeMon Jul 15, 2024 11:38 pm

Symphony X (1994)

Symphony X 1145

1. Into The Dementia (1:03)
2. The Raging Season (5:04)
3. Premonition (5:40)
4. Masquerade (4:30)
5. Absinthe And Rue (7:19)
6. Shades Of Grey (5:44)
7. Taunting The Notorious (3:23)
8. Rapture Or Pain (5:08)
9. Thorns Of Sorrow (3:57)
10. A Lesson Before Dying (12:09)


The Damnation Game (1995)

Symphony X 1146

01. The Damnation Game
02. Dressed To Kill
03. The Edge Of Forever
04. Savage Curtain
05. Whispers
06. The Haunting
07. Secrets
08. A Winter's Dream - Prelude
09. A Winter's Dream - The Ascension
10. Enhanced Element


The Divine Wings Of Tragedy (1997)

Symphony X 1147

1. Of Sins And Shadows (4:58)
2. Sea Of Lies (4:18)
3. Out Of The Ashes (3:40)
4. The Accolade (9:51)
5. Pharaoh (5:28)
6. The Eyes Of Medusa (5:26)
7. The Witching Hour (4:15)
8. The Divine Wings Of Tragedy (20:42)
9. Candlelight Fantasia (6:45)


Twilight In Olympus (1998)

Symphony X 1152

1. Smoke And Mirrors (6:08)
2. Church Of The Machine (8:57)
3. Sonata (1:25)
4. In The Dragon's Den (3:58)
5. Through The Looking Glass, Parts I-III (13:06)
6. The Relic (5:03)
7. Orion - The Hunter (6:56)
8. Lady Of The Snow (7:07)


V - The New Mythology Suite (2000)

Symphony X 1149

1. Prelude (1:09)
2. Evolution (The Grand Design) (5:22)
3. Fallen (5:52)
4. Transcendence (Segue) (0:40)
5. Communion and the Oracle (7:47)
6. The Bird-Serpent War / Cataclysm (4:03)
7. On the Breath of Poseidon (Segue) (3:03)
8. Egypt (7:06)
9. The Death of Balance / Lacrymosa (3:44)
10. Absence of Light (5:00)
11. A Fool's Paradise (5:50)
12. Rediscovery (Segue) (1:26)
13. Rediscovery, Part II: The New Mythology (12:01)


The Odyssey (2002)

Symphony X 1151

1. Inferno (Unleash The Fire) (5:32)
2. Wicked (5:32)
3. Incantations Of The Apprentice (4:22)
4. Accolade II (7:53)
5. King Of Terrors (6:19)
6. The Turning (4:44)
7. Awakenings (8:21)
8. The Odyssey (24:13)


Paradise Lost (2007)

Symphony X 16424

1. Oculus Ex Inferni (2:34)
2. Set The World On Fire (5:55)
3. Domination (6:29)
4. Serpent's Kiss (5:03)
5. Paradise Lost (6:32)
6. Eve Of Seduction (5:04)
7. The Walls Of Babylon (8:16)
8. Seven (7:01)
9. The Sacrifice (4:49)
10. Revelation (Divus Pennae Ex Tragoedia) (9:17)


Iconoclast (2011)

Symphony X 36585

1. Iconoclast (10:51)
2. The End Of Innocence (5:27)
3. Dehumanized (6:48)
4. Bastards Of The Machine (4:56)
5. Heretic (6:25)
6. Children Of A Faceless God (6:21)
7. Electric Messiah (6:14)
8. Prometheus (I Am Alive) (6:47)
9. When All Is Lost (9:10)


Underworld (2015)

Symphony X 82730

1. Overture (2:13)
2. Nevermore (5:28)
3. Underworld (5:48)
4. Without You (5:51)
5. Kiss of Fire (5:09)
6. Charon (6:06)
7. Hell and Back (9:23)
8. In My Darkest Hour (4:22)
9. Run with the Devil (5:38)
10. Swansong (7:29)
11. Legend (6:29)

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