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 Gamma Ray

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Join date : 2024-07-07

Gamma Ray Empty
PostSubject: Gamma Ray   Gamma Ray Icon_minitimeTue Jul 16, 2024 3:12 am

Alive 95' (1996)

Gamma Ray 752

1. Land of the Free (5:28)
2. Man on a Mission (5:53)
3. Rebellion in Dreamland (8:24)
4. Space Eater (4:45)
5. Fairytale (0:44)
6. Tribute to the Past (4:47)
7. Heal Me (7:26)
8. The Saviour (1:30)
9. Abyss of the Void (5:53)
10. Ride the Sky (5:47)
11. Future World (7:28)
12. Heavy Metal Mania (6:27)


Blast From The Past (2000)

Gamma Ray Gamma-ray-blast-from-the-past(compilation)-20120123143727

Disc 1
1. Welcome (0:57)
2. Lust for Life (5:26)
3. Heaven Can Wait (4:29)
4. Heading for Tomorrow (14:59)
5. Changes (5:28)
6. One With the World (4:49)
7. Dream Healer (7:34)
8. Tribute to the Past (4:46)
9. Last Before the Storm (4:57)
10. Heal Me (7:34)


Disc 2
1. Rebellion in Dreamland (8:46)
2. Man on a Mission (5:44)
3. Land of the Free (4:37)
4. The Silence (6:28)
5. Beyond the Black Hole (5:59)
6. Somewhere Out in Space (5:27)
7. Valley of the Kings (3:50)
8. Anywhere in the Galaxy (6:35)
9. Send Me a Sign (4:05)
10. Armageddon (8:50)


Skeletons In The Closet (2003)

Gamma Ray 759

Disc 1
1. Welcome (1:05)
2. Gardens of the Sinner (5:47)
3. Rich & Famous (5:12)
4. All of the Damned (5:00)
5. No Return (4:13)
6. Armageddon (9:24)
7. Heavy Metal Universe (7:42)
8. One With the World (4:50)
9. Dan's Solo (5:22)


Disc 2
1. Razorblade Sigh (4:59)
2. Heart of the Unicorn (4:42)
3. Last Before the Storm (4:38)
4. Victim of Fate (7:00)
5. Rising Star / Shine On (7:52)
6. The Silence (6:43)
7. Heaven or Hell (4:17)
8. Guardians of Mankind (5:21)
9. New World Order (8:22)
10. McTee (0:44)


Hell Yeah! The Awesome Foursome (2008)

Gamma Ray 27807

Disc 1
1. Welcome (1:08)
2. Gardens of the Sinner (5:27)
3. New World Order (5:54)
4. Man on a Mission (5:22)
5. Fight (3:27)
6. Blood Religion (7:27)
7. Heavy Metal Universe (10:27)
8. Dreamhealer (8:15)
9. The Heart of the Unicorn (4:48)
10. Fairytale (1:59)
11. The Silence (7:08)


Disc 2
1. Beyond the Black Hole (5:34)
2. Valley of the Kings (4:06)
3. Somewhere Out in Space (9:06)
4. Land of the Free (4:04)
5. Rebellion in Dreamland (8:53)
6. I Want Out (4:47)
7. Send Me a Sign (6:31)
8. Into the Storm (3:20)
9. Empress (5:48)
10. From the Ashes (5:43)
11. Real World (5:47)


Skeletons And Majesties - Live (2012)

Gamma Ray 66436

Disc 1
01. Welcome (2:32)
02. Anywhere in the Galaxy (6:13)
03. Men, Martians and Machines (3:51)
04. The Spirit (4:23)
05. Wings of Destiny (6:23)
06. Farewell (5:43)
07. Gamma Ray (4:47)
08. Money (3:53)
09. Time to Break Free (5:16)
10. Rebellion in Dreamland (Acoustic) (9:55)
11. Send Me a Sign (Acoustic) (4:49)

Disc 2
01. Induction (0:57)
02. Dethrone Tyranny (4:17)
03. Watcher in the Sky (Iron Savior cover) (5:27)
04. Hold Your Ground (5:07)
05. A While in Dreamland (4:28)
06. Rise (5:01)
07. Brothers (8:34)
08. Insurrection (12:45)
09. Future World (Helloween cover) (10:03)


Heading For The East - Anniversary Edition (2015)

Gamma Ray 84781

Disc 1
1. Intro (0:50)
2. Lust for Life (6:45)
3. Heaven Can Wait (4:30)
4. Space Eater (5:15)
5. Free Time (6:00)
6. Who Do You Think You Are? (6:04)


Disc 2
1. The Silence (6:51)
2. Save Us (6:42)
3. I Want Out (5:26)
4. Ride the Sky / Hold Your Ground (6:17)
5. Money (4:18)
6. Heading for Tomorrow (24:04)


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