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Overkill Empty
PostSubject: Overkill   Overkill Icon_minitimeTue Jul 16, 2024 5:22 am

Coverkill (1999)

Overkill Overkill-coverkill(compilation)-20170114210846

1. Overkill (Motörhead cover) (4:16)
2. No Feelings (Sex Pistols cover) (2:36)
3. Hymn 43 (Jethro Tull cover) (2:59)
4. Changes (Black Sabbath cover) (4:58)
5. Space Truckin' (Deep Purple cover) (4:00)
6. Deuce (Kiss cover) (3:05)
7. Never Say Die (Black Sabbath cover) (3:25)
8. Death Tone (Manowar cover) (4:25)
9. Cornucopia (Black Sabbath cover) (4:47)
10. Tyrant (Judas Priest cover) (4:00)
11. Ain't Nothin' to Do (The Dead Boys cover) (2:14)
12. I'm Against It (Ramones cover) (2:44)


Fuck You!!! And Then Some (1996)

Overkill Overkill-fuck-you-and-then-some

1. Fuck You (studio) (2:20)
2. Rotten to the Core (live) (6:41)
3. Hammerhead (live) (3:57)
4. Use Your Head (live) (5:18)
5. Electro-Violence (live) (3:50)
6. Fuck You (live) (2:28)
7. Hole in the Sky (live) (3:42)
8. E.vil N.ever D.ies (live) (6:11)
9. Rotten to the Core (5:14)
10. Fatal If Swallowed (6:20)
11. The Answer (8:49)
12. Overkill (3:42)


Then And Now [best of/compilation] (2002)

Overkill Overkill-then-and-now(compilation)

1. Necroshine 06:02
2. Thunderhead 05:39
3. Long Time Dyin' 04:53
4. It Lives 04:31
5. Battle 04:31
6. What I'm Missing 04:37
7. New Machine (live) 04:04
8. Infectious (live) 03:45
9. Tyrant (Judas Priest cover) 04:01
10. Hymn 43 (Jethro Tull cover) 02:59
11. Revelation 04:41
12. Cold, Hard Fact 05:18


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