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Helloween Empty
PostSubject: Helloween   Helloween Icon_minitimeTue Jul 16, 2024 8:15 am

Unarmed - Best Of 25th Anniversary (2009)

Helloween 36440

1. Dr. Stein (4:01)
2. Future World (4:13)
3. If I Could Fly (3:29)
4. Where the Rain Grows (5:11)
5. The Keeper's Trilogy (17:08)
6. Eagle Fly Free (3:51)
7. Perfect Gentleman (4:19)
8. Forever and One (Neverland) (4:25)
9. I Want Out (4:22)
10. Fallen to Pieces (3:28)
11. A Tale That Wasn't Right (4:47)


The Best, The Rest, The Rare (1991)

Helloween 807

1. I Want Out (4:38)
2. Dr. Stein (5:01)
3. Future World (4:02)
4. Judas (4:39)
5. Walls of Jericho (0:48)
6. Ride the Sky (5:55)
7. Halloween (13:16)
8. Livin' Ain't No Crime (4:40)
9. Save Us (5:11)
10. Victim of Fate (6:58)
11. Savage (3:22)
12. Don't Run for Cover (4:43)
13. Keeper of the Seven Keys (13:37)


Treasure Chest [best of/compilation] (2002)

Helloween 816

Disc 1
1. Mr. Torture (3:29)
2. I Can (4:38)
3. Power (3:28)
4. Where the Rain Grows (4:43)
5. Eagle Fly Free (5:11)
6. Future World (4:03)
7. Metal Invaders (4:10)
8. Murderer (4:32)
9. Starlight (4:14)
10. How Many Tears (7:14)
11. Ride the Sky (6:43)
12. Halloween (13:18)
13. A Little Time (3:58)
14. A Tale That Wasn't Right (4:42)
15. I Want Out (4:39)

Disc 2
1. Keeper of the Seven Keys (13:50)
2. Dr. Stein (5:03)
3. The Chance (3:46)
4. Windmill (5:13)
5. Sole Survivor (4:31)
6. Perfect Gentleman (3:50)
7. In the Middle of a Heartbeat (4:27)
8. Kings Will Be Kings (5:08)
9. Time of the Oath (6:56)
10. Forever & One (3:53)
11. Midnight Sun (6:19)
12. Mr. Ego (7:00)
13. Immortal (4:03)
14. Mirror, Mirror (3:42)


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