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PostSubject: DEATHSPELL OMEGA   DEATHSPELL OMEGA Icon_minitimeTue Jul 16, 2024 1:45 pm

Picture Vinyl Box [best of/compilation] (2012)

DEATHSPELL OMEGA 60041_deathspell_omega_picture_vinyl_box

Disc I: Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
A1 First Prayer
A2 Sola Fide I
A3 Sola Fide II
B1 Second Prayer
B2 Blessed Are The Dead Whiche Dye In The Lorde
B3 Hétoïmasia

Disc II: Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
C1 Third Prayer
C2 Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
C3 Odium Nostrum
C4 Jubilate Deo (O Be Joyful In The Lord)
D1 Carnal Malefactor
D2 Drink The Devil's Blood
D3 Malign Paradigm

Disc III: Kénôse
E "Everything, except GOD, has in it some measure of privation, thus all individuals may be graded according to the degree to which they are infected with mere potentiality."
F1 "Therefore, GOD honours the sword so highly that He calls it His own ordinance, and will not have men say or imagine that they have invented it or instituted it."
F2 "The stillness of Contemplation is allowed in billions woeful cries, so astonishingly simultaneous and in unison, each and every second, they defuse each other in such a perfect manner, equalling the most inscrutable of all silences."

Disc IV: Diabolus Absconditus
G Diabolus Absconditus

Disc IV: Mass Grave Aesthetics
H Mass Grave Aesthetics

Disc V: Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
I1 Obombration
I2 The Shrine Of Mad Laughter
I3 Bread Of Bitterness
J1 The Repellent Scars Of Abandon & Election
J2 A Chore For The Lost
J3 Obombration

Disc VI: Paracletus
K1 Epiklesis
K2 Wings Of Predation
K3 Abcission
K4 Dearth
K5 Phosphene
L1 Epiklesis
L2 Malconfort
L3 Have You Beheld The Fevers?
L4 Devouring Famine
L5 Apokatastasis Pantôn

Disc VII: Chaining The Katechon
M Chaining The Katechon

Disc VII: Drought
N1 Salowe Vision
N2 Fiery Serpents
N3 Scorpions & Drought
N4 Sand
N5 Abrasive Swirling Murk
N6 The Crackled Book Of Life


Manifestations 2002 [best of/compilation] (2008)

DEATHSPELL OMEGA 21554_deathspell_omega_manifestations_2000_2001

1. Tyrants and Slaves
2. Gloria - Diabolus Absconditus
3. Monument of Hate
4. Monotonous Ecstasy of Death
5. Forever Cold
6. Procreation Epidemic
7. Bleeding them like Swine
8. Alleluia!

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