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PostSubject: 1349   1349 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 16, 2024 2:27 pm

The Wolf & The King (2024)

1349 188366

1. The God Devourer 05:10
2. Ash of Ages 05:27
3. Shadow Point 03:39
4. Inferior Pathways 04:28
5. Inner Portal 05:08
6. The Vessel and the Storm 05:15
7. Obscura 03:44
8. Fatalist 05:51


The Infernal Pathway (2019)

1349 103788

01. Abyssos Antithesis 05:30
02. Through Eyes of Stone 03:24
03. Tunnel of Set VIII 00:47
04. Enter Cold Void Dreaming 03:58
05. Towers upon Towers 04:50
06. Tunnel of Set IX 01:06
07. Deeper Still 04:13
08. Striding the Chasm 06:11
09. Dødskamp 05:01
10. Tunnel of Set X 00:53
11. Stand Tall in Fire 08:09


Massive Cauldron Of Chaos (2014)

1349 77384

01. Cauldron 04:21
02. Slaves 04:53
03. Exorcism 05:35
04. Postmortem 04:35
05. Mengeles 05:58
06. Golem 01:39
07. Chained 04:51
08. Godslayer 06:04


Demonoir (2010)

1349 38496

о1. Tunnel of Set — XI
о2. Atomic Chapel
о3. Tunnel XII
о4. When I Was Flesh
о5. Tunnel XIII
о6. Psalm 777
о7. Tunnel XIV
о8. Pandemonium War Bells
о9. Tunnel XV
1о. The Devil of the Deserts
11. Tunnel XVI
12. Demonoir
13. Tunnel XVII


Revelations Of The Black Flame (2009)

1349 31051

CD 1:
01. Invocation 06:13
02. Serpentine Sibilance 04:35
03. Horns 03:04
04. Maggot Fetus... Teeth Like Thorns 03:46
05. Misanthropy 03:33
06. Uncreation 06:59
07. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun 06:13
08. Solitude 03:38
09. At the Gate 06:52


CD 2:
01. Hellfire 05:47
02. Chasing Dragon 06:33
03. Satanic Propaganda 03:14
04. I Am Abomination 04:13
05. Manifest 05:06
06. Slaves to Slaughter 08:55


Hellfire (2005)

1349 3368

01. I Am Abomination 04:10
02. Nathicana 04:39
03. Sculptor of Flesh 03:18
04. Celestial Deconstruction 07:45
05. To Rottendom 05:52
06. From the Deeps 06:25
07. Slaves to Slaughter 06:11
08. Hellfire 13:49


Beyond The Apocalypse (2004)

1349 2489

01. Chasing Dragons 06:31
02. Beyond the Apocalypse 04:01
03. Aiwass-Aeon 03:32
04. Nekronatalenheten 04:30
05. Perished in Pain 03:57
06. Singer of Strange Songs 07:30
07. Blood Is the Mortar 03:52
08. Internal Witner 07:41
09. The Blade 05:58


Liberation (2003)

1349 2488

01. Manifest 04:03
02. I Breathe Spears 04:24
03. Riders of the Apocalypse 04:34
04. Deathmarch 01:05
05. Pitch Black 03:19
06. Satanic Propaganda 03:44
07. Legion 04:56
08. Evil Oath 03:48
09. Liberation 05:22
10. Buried by Time & Dust 03:05

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