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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1966
Join date : 2024-07-07

Kyuss Empty
PostSubject: Kyuss   Kyuss Icon_minitimeWed Jul 17, 2024 11:23 am

...And The Circus Leaves Town (1995)

Kyuss 4005

1. Hurricane 02:42
2. One Inch Man 03:30
3. Thee Ol' Boozeroony 02:49
4. Gloria Lewis 04:02
5. Phototropic 05:13
6. El Rodeo 05:35
7. Jumbo Blimp Jumbo 04:41
8. Tangy Zizzle 02:40
9. Size Queen 03:46
10. Catamaran 03:02
11. Spaceship Landing 34:03


Kyuss (1994)

Kyuss 4004

1. Gardenia 06:54
2. Asteroid 04:49
3. Supa Scoopa and Mighty Scoop 06:04
4. 100 Degrees 02:29
5. Space Cadet 07:02
6. Demon Cleaner 05:19
7. Odyssey 04:19
8. Conan Troutman 02:12
9. N.O. 03:47
10. Whitewater 09:00


Blues For The Red Sun (1992)

Kyuss 4003

1. Thumb (04:41)
2. Green Machine (03:38)
3. Molten Universe (02:49)
4. 50 Million Year Trip (downside up) (05:52)
5. Thong Song (03:47)
6. Apothecaries' Weight (05:21)
7. Caterpillar March (01:56)
8. Freedom Run (07:37)
9. 800 (01:34)
10. Writhe (03:42)
11. Capsized (00:55)
12. Allen's Wrench (02:44)
13. Mondo Generator (06:15)
14. Yeah (00:04)


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Posts : 1820
Join date : 2024-07-07

Kyuss Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyuss   Kyuss Icon_minitimeWed Sep 18, 2024 7:00 pm

Kyuss - Discography (1990-2018)

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