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metal head
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Sleep Empty
PostSubject: Sleep   Sleep Icon_minitimeThu 18 Jul 2024 - 4:35

Dopesmoker (2003)

Sleep 20642

1. Dopesmoker 1:03:31
2. Sonic Titan (Live) 09:36


Jerusalem (1999)

Sleep 20641

1. Jerusalem 52:08


The Sciences (2018)

Sleep 94269

1. The Sciences 03:03
2. Marijuanaut's Theme 06:39
3. Sonic Titan 12:26
4. Antarticans Thawed 14:23
5. Giza Butler 10:02
6. The Botanist 06:27




Sleep's Holy Mountain (1993)

Sleep 20640

1. Dragonaut [05:43]
2. The Druid [04:51]
3. Evil Gypsy / Solomon's Theme [07:06]
4. Some Grass [00:48]
5. Aquarian [05:38]
6. Holy Mountain [08:44]
7. Inside The Sun [05:44]
8. From Beyond [10:34]
9. Rain's Baptism [03:04]


Volume 1 (1991)

Sleep 20638

1. Stillborn 06:18
2. The Suffering 05:12
3. Numb 03:30
4. Anguish 05:37
5. Catatonic 06:04
6. Nebuchadnezzar's Dream 04:47
7. The Wall Of Yawn 05:32
8. Prey 03:46
9. Scourge 05:02

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