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Anacrusis Empty
PostSubject: Anacrusis   Anacrusis Icon_minitimeThu 18 Jul 2024 - 6:07

Suffering Hour (1988)

Anacrusis 3120-Anacrusis-Suffering-Hour

1. Present Tense (6:22)
2. Imprisoned (6:11)
3. R.O.T. (4:51)
4. Butchers Block (6:06)
5. A World to Gain (4:04)
6. Frigid Bitch (4:03)
7. Fighting Evil (3:26)
8. Twisted Cross (7:20)
9. Annihilation Complete / Disemboweled (4:41)


Reason (1989)

Anacrusis 3121-Anacrusis-Reason

1. Stop Me (6:17)
2. Terrified (4:54)
3. Not Forgotten (5:51)
4. Wrong (5:40)
5. Silent Crime (4:51)
6. Misshapen Intent (4:24)
7. Afraid to Feel (6:25)
8. Child Inside (4:26)
9. Vital (5:09)
10. Quick to Doubt (4:37)
11. Killing My Mind (5:52)
12. Injustice (5:38)


Manic Impressions (1991)

Anacrusis 3122_anacrusis_manic_impressions

1. Paint a Picture (5:58)
2. I Love the World (4:49)
3. Something Real (6:00)
4. Dream Again (3:21)
5. Explained Away (6:02)
6. Still Black (6:09)
7. What You Became (5:10)
8. Our Reunion (4:54)
9. Idle Hours (4:37)
10. Far Too Long (5:50)


Screams And Whispers (1993)

Anacrusis 3123_anacrusis_screams_and_whispers

1. Sound the Alarm (5:39)
2. Sense of Will (4:52)
3. Too Many Prophets (5:27)
4. Release (4:19)
5. Division (4:38)
6. Tools of Separation (6:10)
7. Grateful (5:13)
8. A Screaming Breath (4:19)
9. My Soul's Affliction (4:30)
10. Driven (5:51)
11. Brotherhood? (6:51)
12. Release (remix) (4:16)

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