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 The Vision Bleak

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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1562
Join date : 2024-07-07

The Vision Bleak Empty
PostSubject: The Vision Bleak   The Vision Bleak Icon_minitimeThu Jul 18, 2024 11:32 am

The Unknown (2016)

The Vision Bleak 88460

1. Spirits of the Dead
2. From Wolf to Peacock
3. The Kindred of the Sunset
4. Into the Unknown
5. Ancient Heart
6. The Whine of the Cemetery Hound
7. How Deep Lies Tartaros?
8. Who May Oppose Me?
9. The Fragrancy of Soil Unearthed
10. The Ghost in Me
11. Luster Nocturnal


Set Sail To Mystery (2010)

The Vision Bleak 34151

1. A Curse Of The Grandest Kind
2. Descend Into Maelstrom
3. I Dined With The Swans
4. A Romance With The Grave
5. The Outsider
6. Mother Nothingness (The Triumph Of Ubbo Sathla)
7. The Foul Within
8. He Who Paints The Black Of Night

1. I Dined With The Swans (featuring Vocals by Niklas Kvarforth (SHINING))
2. By The Misery of Fate He Was Haunted (MASTER'S HAMMER Cover Version)
3. Descend Into Maelstrom (Classic Version in Monochrome)
4. Mother Nothingness (Classic Version in Monochrome)
5. The Foul Within (Classic Version in Monochrome)
6. I Dined With The Swans (Piano Version in Monochrome)
7. A Farewell At Sea (Classic Version in Monochrome)


The Wolves Go Hunt Their Prey (2007)

The Vision Bleak 18137

1. Amala & Kamala 01:56
2. She-Wolf 05:13
3. The Demon of the Mire 06:42
4. The Black Pharaoh Trilogy (Part 1: Introduction) 03:21
5. The Black Pharaoh Trilogy (Part 2: The Shining Trapezohedron) 05:10
6. The Black Pharaoh Trilogy (Part 3: The Vault of Nephren-Ka) 06:02
7. The Eldrich Beguilement 04:57
8. Evil Is of Old Date 04:50
9. By Our Brotherhood with Seth 05:08


Carpathia - A Dramatic Poem (2005)

The Vision Bleak 6278

1. The Drama Of The Wicked (2:11)
2. Secrecies In Darkness (4:25)
3. Carpathia (5:15)
4. Dreams In The Witchhouse (5:37)
5. Sister Najade (The Tarn By The Firs) (4:46)
6. The Curse Of Arabia (5:20)
7. Kutulu! (4:40)
8. The Charm Is Done (9:38)


The Deathship Has A New Captain (2004)

The Vision Bleak 5582

1. A Shadow Arose 02:53
2. Night Of The Living Dead 03:44
3. Wolfmoon 05:29
4. Metropolis 04:46
5. Elizabeth Dane 05:06
6. Horror Of Antarctica 03:31
7. The Lone Night Rider 05:06
8. The Grand Devilry 04:47
9. Deathship Symphony 05:41

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Posts : 1479
Join date : 2024-07-07

The Vision Bleak Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Vision Bleak   The Vision Bleak Icon_minitimeSun Sep 29, 2024 9:33 pm

The Vision Bleak - Weird Tales (2024)
The Vision Bleak 180213
01. Chapter I: Introduction
02. Chapter II: In Rue D'auseil
03. Chapter III: In Gardens Red, Satanical
04. Chapter IV: Once I Was A Flower
05. Chapter V: The Premature Burial
06. Chapter VI: Mother Of Toads
07. Chapter VII: The Graveyard By Nyght In A Thunderstorm
08. Chapter VIII: The Undying One
09. Chapter IX: Evil Dreams Run Deep
10. Chapter X: The Witch With Eyes Of Amber
11. Chapter XI: Canticle
12. Chapter XII: To Drink From Lethe
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